Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Has anyone here experienced one? BTW it's short for "out of body experience".
Years ago i read the books authored by Robert Monroe and they sent me down a path that has permanently and positively altered my consciousness and the way i see the world.
I bought the first wave of the hemi-sync "gateway experience"and am considering purchasing all seven waves as a present for myself.
I've used the first wave off and on over the last ten years and the only phenomenon I've experienced is the vibrations which are a precursor to an "out of body experience".
Any one here have similar or more experiences?
Has anyone here experienced one? BTW it's short for "out of body experience". Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, it appears that Choom /Marshall has reincarnated. But yes, I'm familiar with Monroe's work. Good stuff.

Don't expect many serious responses to this topic on here. If it doesn't involve poop or homos it's beyond the capacity of many here. But it would be a fun discussion.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Figured it was an alternate handle and i pay it no mind.
Have you experimented with any of the hemi-sync series?
I don't expect many responses but one never knows.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Not to the extent you have but I've used other means to get there such as binaural beats, isochronic tones, guided meditation and things like that.
You two need to get a room ...
joe bloe's Avatar
I read one of Monroe's books long ago and have read extensively on related topics, ie eastern philosophy. The idea of deliberately inducing an out of body experience has always seemed a little creepy to me, due to the fact that demonic spirits supposedly inhabit the astral plane you're entering into, when you have an OOBE. OOBE's are not something to be played around with, IMHO. A friend of mine had an OOBE, by accident. He said he wrestled with some sort of entity that he believed was trying to kill him.

Some spiritual practices can be dangerous without proper guidance. Practicing Kundalini Yoga without an experienced teacher can be especially dangerous to your mental health.

If you're interested in pursuing the spiritual path, I highly recommend "The Three Pillars of Zen" by Phillip Kapleau. I read it long ago; I'm currently re-reading it. It has a lot of personal accounts of people's spritual breakthroughs which make the belief that we are *all part of one universal spirit seem very real.

* Except liberals, of course.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Lol, come on you have to include the liberals too.
But I'm of the mindset there is no such thing as "demonic entities" or demonic spirits.
The appeal of the Monroe books and his experiences were that it was a very scientific analytical approach.
Not to say there isn't the possibility of negative entities out there, i believe he encountered those too. But that will not deter me.
This type of phenomenon has been a passion and somewhat in the forefront of my mind for the past decade.
Reading his books were one of the first stepping stones in expanding my consciousness and sending me down the path of my own personal evolution.
I'm not stuck on the Monroe methods if there is more recommended reading please by all means guide me to it.
Just try not to get too "new agey". I eschew that as much as traditional organized religious beliefs.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
COG, I'd like to know more about isochronic tones....
joe bloe's Avatar
Lol, come on you have to include the liberals too.
But I'm of the mindset there is no such thing as "demonic entities" or demonic spirits.
The appeal of the Monroe books and his experiences were that it was a very scientific analytical approach.
Not to say there isn't the possibility of negative entities out there, i believe he encountered those too. But that will not deter me.
This type of phenomenon has been a passion and somewhat in the forefront of my mind for the past decade.
Reading his books were one of the first stepping stones in expanding my consciousness and sending me down the path of my own personal evolution.
I'm not stuck on the Monroe methods if there is more recommended reading please by all means guide me to it.
Just try not to get too "new agey". I eschew that as much as traditional organized religious beliefs. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
I've never encountered any "demonic spirits" in the limited amount of meditation I've done. From what I've read, I am convinced they're real, however. Phillip Kapleau writes about demonic hallucinations as a normal part of the practice of Zen meditation. He says they're just a distraction to be ignored.

My point in warning about demonic entities really has more to do with the danger of advanced spiritual practices without proper guidance from an experienced teacher.

I think the thing that is most appealing about using meditation as a device to expand consciousness, is that it's not a matter of taking something on faith; it's completely experiential. You can be a practicing Buddhist and an agnostic; although most certainly are not.

You might want to read some literature on Eckankar. They're definitely "new agey" and probably off the deep end, but they do apparently have techniques for inducing OOBEs.

  • Annef
  • 12-02-2012, 05:38 PM
One of my favorite writers on the subject of eastern spirituality (zen and Taoism) is Alan Watts. He's an oldie, but a keeper. I don't know anything about out of body experiences though.

* Except liberals, of course. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Are you a newbie poster in the Sandbox? If so, may I be the first to welcome you to Paradise?

I feel certain that you will find the locals to be quite friendly!
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
There is no need for any political discussion on this thread.
This is so much more than any petty concerns of this existence.
Plenty of opportunity elsewhere.
Keep it out of mine.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
I've never encountered any "demonic spirits" in the limited amount of meditation I've done. From what I've read, I am convinced they're real, however. Phillip Kapleau writes about demonic hallucinations as a normal part of the practice of Zen meditation. He says they're just a distraction to be ignored.

My point in warning about demonic entities really has more to do with the danger of advanced spiritual practices without proper guidance from an experienced teacher.

I think the thing that is most appealing about using meditation as a device to expand consciousness, is that it's not a matter of taking something on faith; it's completely experiential. You can be a practicing Buddhist and an agnostic; although most certainly are not.

You might want to read some literature on Eckankar. They're definitely "new agey" and probably off the deep end, but they do apparently have techniques for inducing OOBEs.

http://www.eckankar.org/ Originally Posted by joe bloe
Thanks for the reference. They do seem a bit off the deep end lol.
I'll check it out more extensively though. I suppose i could stomach their rhetoric if it helps me achieve my goal.