The future of Obamacare; city offers healthcare for guns

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Worcester, MA, in it's continuing war on the second amentment, is offers to exchange flu shots (and other things) if people will turn in their guns. Voluntary so far and stupid, unless you believe in the efficacy of the flu shot and lack the money to get one. Now flu shots, like birth control, don't cost very much but some idiots thing they need to have both provided by government.

So is this the future? You need a by pass and only the government can give it to you legally. What say you give up your guns (or whatever) and we provide healthcare.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-02-2012, 09:46 PM
You make this sound as if it is something new.

It really isn't. Lots of local gov'ts--dem & rep--have offered all sorts of things in exchange for turning in guns.

How do you see this as "war on the second amentment" if:
(1) it's voluntary. Are you now wanting to REQUIRE people own guns?
(2) historically these swaps come with some amnisty for turning in illegal guns. Are you in favor of getting illegal guns off the street?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Have you heard of them offering healthcare services before? I haven't. So someone thought of this now. Amnesty for illegal guns??? Okay, but this doesn't say anything about illegal guns, it says guns period.
You can't see the connection and logical progression of how government does things? Look to England. They have denied healthcare for patients who were smokers, drug users, and people who are overweight. Its all voluntary right. We will set your broken ankle but you have to give up smoking FIRST! That happened a couple of years ago. A man had to carry around a broken ankle until he quit smoking for 30 days. So where does the logic fail. When only government can give you healthcare, then they can call the tune. Only in your best interests you know.
Would you turn yours in for pussy?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-02-2012, 10:25 PM
Have you heard of them offering healthcare services before? I haven't. So someone thought of this now. Amnesty for illegal guns??? Okay, but this doesn't say anything about illegal guns, it says guns period.
You can't see the connection and logical progression of how government does things? Look to England. They have denied healthcare for patients who were smokers, drug users, and people who are overweight. Its all voluntary right. We will set your broken ankle but you have to give up smoking FIRST! That happened a couple of years ago. A man had to carry around a broken ankle until he quit smoking for 30 days. So where does the logic fail. When only government can give you healthcare, then they can call the tune. Only in your best interests you know. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I don't recall all the things that were offered for guns, but I don't remember health care. I don't see that as any different than meals, gift cards, free parking, and clothes--all of which I do remember.

I wasn't saying that it was offered for legal or illegal guns this time; my comment referred to past times where one of the big motivators was getting the illegal guns, but the trade was offered for all guns in those cases I know of.

While I am in favor of people quitting smoking, I am not in favor of the broken ankle case you mention. That is wrong. But no, I don't see this as the logical progession. First of all, did it say a person could only get a flu shot if they turned in a gun? I doubt it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Remember Sandra Fluke? She seems to think the only way for her to get birth control is government largess. I can go buy a flu shot, you can go buy a flu shot, anyone can get a flu shot but some people think that only government can do this for them. Yes, it is voluntary now but what happens when it become illegal or prohibitively expensive to get healthcare.
Ask yourself, what if the authorities ask you about your habits before providing healthcare? Where do you go then if you refuse to tell them and they refuse to treat you. Not because they're bad but those are the rules. I ask you to go do some research on eugenics in this country back in the 1920s What started as a voluntary practice and was considered a good thing by many resulted in people being denied their rights and operated on against their will. Start with Buck v Bell.