Well, first some basics. I'm pretty handy with a multi-meter and learned to solder copper wires and copper pipe before I could drive so that is not a worry for me.
I've fixed more things in my life rather than toss it to the curb than I care to think of both for myself and for friends and that means something as small as a toaster up to an including more automobiles that most have ever owned in their lifetime.
But I've never cracked the back of the new LCD TVs.
I have recently spent some time watching some decent YouTube videos on the sorts of things to look for and repair but like the first time many on here called that very first provider on here, I figured why not see if there are any other do it yourself folks who have tackled this sort of effort.
Sure I know they are on sale all the time and if I had wanted to wait in line for hours on Black Friday (Or Thursday rather) I could have gotten new for a serious discount but I'm ornery in many ways and being challenged to learn something like this is one way to keep me from over posting and pissing off the staff!
This one is almost 40" with 1920 x 1080 (1080p) resolution and not that old but nada when I hit the power switch so most likely in a few days, I'll be cracking the case and beginning my first adventure in LCD TV repair for fun.
So bottom line is simple.
If you have done any sort of flat screen LCD HDTV repair yourself and have some things to avoid or things to check first, feel free to post here and let me know.