TSA Wants To Conduct On-Site Transportation Related Security Assessments (HEIL !!!)

SEE3772's Avatar
TSA is seeking permission from the Office of Management and Budget to conduct security-related assessments during site visits to approximately 750 owners and operators of highway transportation assets (such as long-haul trucks) as well as 140 public transportation agencies.

Under an initiative known as the Highway Baseline Assessment for Security Enhancement (BASE) program, TSA will seek information that can help it develop policies and programs. “TSA’s Highway BASE program seeks to establish the current state of security gaps and implemented countermeasures throughout the highway mode of transportation by posing questions to major transportation asset owners and operators,” says a TSA notice published in the Federal Register on Nov. 30.

Similarly, TSA wants to conduct on-site assessments with public agencies that run buses, rail transit, long-distance rail and less common types of service, such as cable cars, inclined planes, funiculars and automated guide way systems.

The public has until Dec. 31 to submit comments about this TSA information-gathering request. Further information is available from Susan Perkins, of TSA, at 571-227-3398 or TSAPRA@dhs.gov.



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CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I mention this, and people call me a lunatic. Thanks for the post, SEE.
Now their are two of you there is safety in numbers.