Be on your toes folks! School is out. . .

ANONONE's Avatar
It looks like the summer vacation has brought an influx of teenagers, or perhaps there is just something in the water. . .

Here is a prime example:

We should all be vigilant and try to keep the mods and admins from being overworked as all these juvenile delinquents cruise the boards. When you see this stuff don't exacerbate the exchanges by baiting or perpetuating their nonsense with more fuel for the fire.

Probably another good idea to up your discretion threshold with so many punks around. The only thing scary about them is they came out of the womb knowing more about computers than an old fart like me could ever hope to learn.

Let's keep an eye on each other and protect the community.
Whatever that was, it has apparently been removed.
ANONONE's Avatar
Hmm. . .looks like they not only banned that guy (even his handle is too rude to repeat) but removed all traces of him from the board. suffice it to say that he joined the board today, and within the span of a couple of hours went on spree (over fifty posts) of profanity and general annoyance--sure signs that it was some teenager that somehow got registered or perhaps just a lunatic that just act like a juvenile.

Any way, it looks like the staff dealt with him swiftly and judiciously. Although, perhaps it might have been a good idea to leave some of what he posted up and annotate it and it could have been used as a role model of how not to act and just where the "line" is with regards to abusive behavior on the board. Of course, some of what he posted was so obnoxious, I understand why they got out the cleanser and steel wool to get his slime off the board.

At any rate, it occurs to me that we may see a slight bump in such idiocy now that school is out and we should stay on our toes.

One thing is certain, for all the naysayers that complain about board staff response, they sure handled this one efficiently. good riddance, and thanks board staff for your quick and sure response.
pyramider's Avatar
Public boards have all kinds of interests. Get rid of the teenieboppers but keep the LE. Seems fair.
ANONONE's Avatar
Public boards have all kinds of interests. Get rid of the teenieboppers but keep the LE. Seems fair. Originally Posted by pyramider

Once again. . .

LE is smart enough to stick...
Public boards have all kinds of interests. Get rid of the teenieboppers but keep the LE. Seems fair. Originally Posted by pyramider
What I mean is, you can usually tell by whats posted that it's a child.
seanes's Avatar