Another of your President's choices ==> and published on the same day.....

Well, at least Psy apologized.

Precious_b's Avatar
Agreed JJ.
tim_29m's Avatar
We, as a nation, are so screwed by having this guy in the oval office for another 4 years...
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
Welcome to the United Sheeple of America
Rocket210's Avatar
Hey the people voted they felt this ass hole was the best. He's the most anti American president ever! And I can't stand his ugly ass wife!! No education ass trying to make policies! Haha sorry guys these two are the worse
You all act as though we were better off with Bush digging the hole at twice the speed ! Don't forget why this idiot was thrown in front of the runaway locomotive . Burn D.C. to the ground and start over ! Anarchy In The U.S.A.
Rocket210's Avatar
Lol we were! Obama did worse than bush in 2 years! We do need to clean house but as long as AMERICA stays lazy we won't.
Precious_b's Avatar
Another no compromise thread.
Even the title of the thread says it all: "YOUR"

It's "OUR" President.

Doesn't matter if you voted for him or the other guy. Those that didn't vote have no dog in this discourse.

No matter who came in office, it will be bad this time.
Next election we'll find out.

Why should I say more. Might as well just argue Team Edward/ Team whoever from that Twilight thing.
Sucks our elections are about shoe size (who's smallest) ...........
SimonNueve's Avatar
The election is over, it's time to deal with reality. As a retired soldier, I didn't always agree with our presidents (5 of them), but regardless of my party affiliation, he was my Commander in Chief, and it was my honor to serve. If all you want to do is bitch, and you're not willing to work towards a solution, shut the fuck up and get out of the way. If you're not satisfied with the results of the election and you didn't knock on doors, make phone calls, donate money, or at the very least vote, you're part of the reason it turned out the way it did, deal with it.
The election is over, it's time to deal with reality. As a retired soldier, I didn't always agree with our presidents (5 of them), but regardless of my party affiliation, he was my Commander in Chief, and it was my honor to serve. If all you want to do is bitch, and you're not willing to work towards a solution, shut the fuck up and get out of the way. If you're not satisfied with the results of the election and you didn't knock on doors, make phone calls, donate money, or at the very least vote, you're part of the reason it turned out the way it did, deal with it. Originally Posted by SimonNueve
LMFAO over here. I couldn't agree with you more. If you are a citizen of this great nation, President Obama is your president.
The election is over, it's time to deal with reality. As a retired soldier, I didn't always agree with our presidents (5 of them), but regardless of my party affiliation, he was my Commander in Chief, and it was my honor to serve. If all you want to do is bitch, and you're not willing to work towards a solution, shut the fuck up and get out of the way. If you're not satisfied with the results of the election and you didn't knock on doors, make phone calls, donate money, or at the very least vote, you're part of the reason it turned out the way it did, deal with it. Originally Posted by SimonNueve
Well I served under H.W. Bush , and can say he , his son , Clinton , and Obama are all fucking idiots . And I sure as hell didn't sit months off the shores of Nicaragua for any of their dumb asses ! Sorry not that brainwashed , I can serve for family and friends , and not give two shits about the commander and
chief !
SimonNueve's Avatar
Rock, I can't agree that they were all idiots, the majority of those you cited were actually quite intelligent, as are the majority of those that have chosen politics as a career (easy effin money). We've got to be kidding ourselves if we think that any of our elected politicians have our best interests at heart. Politics is a career to most of our elected officials, and what will most people do to maintain a career.......whatever it takes, regardless of the fallout. Every politician should read 'Profiles in Courage' by JFK at least annually. We, as the electorate, need to insist on term limits to rid ourselves of the career politician.
joesnapshot's Avatar
The problem with America is not that we're dumb, it's that we're dumb and proud of it.