What will solve the looming debt crisis?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A simple choice;

Raising taxes on everyone...

Raising taxes on the rich only...

Cutting spending including entitlements...

Cutting spending from the military...

A balanced approach of tax increases and spending cuts....

What crisis? I wasn't paying attention because the Voice is getting down to the final four.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You assume they WANT a solution. I don't think they do.
markroxny's Avatar
Can you edit your first post JD and make this a poll thread?

Then we can track the responses easily.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-11-2012, 11:42 AM
$ 16 Trillion dollars will solve it

anything short of that is slow rolling ...

this government INCLUDING the republicans cant spell 'SIXTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS" much less find it in a budget ... expect congress to muster 3-4 trillion on the last day, in the last hour and minute ..

you can not blame Bush and the republicans all you want, but this country has been in a downward spiral since his first year in office ...

The End
joe bloe's Avatar
The correct answer is nothing.

The only course of action that would effectively deal with the debt and deficit would never be supported by the mob, aka the majority of the American people.
$ 16 Trillion dollars will solve it

anything short of that is slow rolling ...

this government INCLUDING the republicans cant spell 'SIXTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS" much less find it in a budget ... expect congress to muster 3-4 trillion on the last day, in the last hour and minute ..

you can not blame Bush and the republicans all you want, but this country has been in a downward spiral since his first year in office ...

The End Originally Posted by CJ7
The downward spiral actually started at the end of the Clinton Years when the DOT-COM bubble burst.
Then Congress decided that everybody should be able to get a mortage, whether they could actually make the payments never seemed to enter into the equation.
Then a couple of wars, bailouts, stimulus packages, TARP Programs and whatever, and the zeros just keep going to the right as that coma goes left.
Now we hear that billions, and billions of Student Loans might follow the same path as those worthless mortages, because young people have now discovered that their $100,000 education will land them a $35,000 a year job, if they can find one.

Get ready for the 70 percent tax bracket if you are fortunate enough to enjoy some success in life.. That is the Golden Goose that everybody who votes for a living seems to think will solve everything. But once you have killed the goose, ate him for supper, and shit the remains out two days later, what's next?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-11-2012, 12:29 PM
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Good idea, poll added
Need to create a government fund dedicated solely towards reducing the debt that can't be touched by congress for any other reason with an independent board whose sole job is to administer the fund and reduce the debt. Then, we need to fund it.

Raise taxes on everybody. If every US citizen who files a return paid in $3,000, we could raise almost $500 billion. We need new corporate taxes as well. US corporations are sitting on gigantic piles of a cash right now. Some of it should be used to reduce the debt. We could raise a trillion dollars in revenue in one year and reduce the debt load to get it back down to 90% of GDP. And that would be a good start. After the initial funding via tax increases, no new taxes for at least 5 years.

Cut spending on entitlements. Gotta be done.

Cut defense spending. Almost $700 billion a year for defense? Insane.

If we could reduce the debt by a trillion dollars in one year, I think it would be the beginning of our economy truly bouncing back.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Thanks to whomever turned this into a poll question.

A couple of things; how much is rich? The CBO is indicating that Obama is on track to have a deficit of 1.6 to 2.1 trillion dollars this next year. Increasing taxes on the top 2% (those who decided not to leave the country) will garner about $83 billion over a year. As Timpage says, tax everyone (man, woman, and child) $3,000 and we (who is this we?) will get $500 billion. What about the people who won't or can't contribute their fair share? Further reading of Timpage indicates that he things all the money belongs to the government and not the person who earned it. That would mean that everything belongs to the government and that I will not buy into.
What is fair and balanced supposed to mean other than a sound bite? We are trying to stop a broken dam of spending with a finger of a tax increase. Spending has to be cut FIRST across the board including especially entitlements. Take them back to 2008 levels, sue the companies that went belly up to get ours back in bankruptcy. Sell all the vacant land the government owns and that includes buildings. Do the Jesse Ventura moves.
markroxny's Avatar
A balanced approach of tax increases and spending cuts

The taxes on the top 2% is going up. Nothing is going to stop that and I think it needs to happen. But us Dems are going to have to make some hard choices on entitlement spending, some choices we really don't wanna make, but it has to be the combo or it doesn't work.
joe bloe's Avatar
The downward spiral actually started at the end of the Clinton Years when the DOT-COM bubble burst.
Then Congress decided that everybody should be able to get a mortage, whether they could actually make the payments never seemed to enter into the equation.
Then a couple of wars, bailouts, stimulus packages, TARP Programs and whatever, and the zeros just keep going to the right as that coma goes left.
Now we hear that billions, and billions of Student Loans might follow the same path as those worthless mortages, because young people have now discovered that their $100,000 education will land them a $35,000 a year job, if they can find one.

Get ready for the 70 percent tax bracket if you are fortunate enough to enjoy some success in life.. That is the Golden Goose that everybody who votes for a living seems to think will solve everything. But once you have killed the goose, ate him for supper, and shit the remains out two days later, what's next? Originally Posted by Jackie S
The real downward spiral began under FDR with the New Deal. That's when the social welfare state was born. Once the line was crossed by setting up government agencies that were clearly unconstitutional, our fate was sealed. It was only a matter of time before the treasury was looted.

We are bankrupt because of so called entitlement programs. All of those programs are prohibited by the Constitution. The American people are addicted to government give aways like a junkie addicted to heroin. Trying to cut back on social welfare programs is like a junkie thinking that he can manage his habit and just take heroin on weekends and special occasions.

We can't avoid financial collapse without dramatically cutting entitlement programs and that's not politically possible. The people won't allow it.
markroxny's Avatar
Joe, do you feel social security should not exist?
What kind of a poll allows people to vote for multiple choices ?

Timmyboy voted 4 times for 4 different answers ??????
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-12-2012, 09:00 AM
The real downward spiral began under FDR with the New Deal. That's when the social welfare state was born. Once the line was crossed by setting up government agencies that were clearly unconstitutional, our fate was sealed. It was only a matter of time before the treasury was looted.

We are bankrupt because of so called entitlement programs. All of those programs are prohibited by the Constitution. The American people are addicted to government give aways like a junkie addicted to heroin. Trying to cut back on social welfare programs is like a junkie thinking that he can manage his habit and just take heroin on weekends and special occasions.

We can't avoid financial collapse without dramatically cutting entitlement programs and that's not politically possible. The people won't allow it. Originally Posted by joe bloe

by raising the SS tax 1% the program becomes totally solvent ... but the republicans are against that, its not politically possible Grover wont allow it.