Pro-Union Activist Threatens the Michigan Governor: 'We'll Be at Your Daughter's Soccer Game'

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
After what happened today, for the union thugs to threaten Gov. Snyder's daughter is beyond the pale. Shame on them!

A speaker at a protest against Michigan's right-to-work legislation said that Republican governor Rick Snyder will "get no rest" from pro-union activists if Snyder signs the bill into law.

"Just know one thing, Rick Snyder: You sign that bill, you won't get no rest," said Rev. Charles Williams II at the Tuesday rally in Lansing, according to Michigan Capitol Confidential. "We'll meet you on Geddes Road. We'll be at your daughter's soccer game. We'll visit you at your church. We'll be at your office."

See the video here:
Where is Obama condemning this kind of intimidation and threats.

No wonder we have escalating crimes of hatred. We have a president who only speaks out when a Democrat is considered a victim.
The esteemed Rev. Charles Williams:

You think he and Rev. Wright are buddies....I am thinking yes.

Think he is too fat to be a reverend ???????

Read this rambling hate piece he wrote for the Huffington Post................with spiritual leaders like this no wonder some communities in America are so fucked up !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
A man of God? Threatening children? Because he didn't get his way in the legislature?

This is a scary time in America.
Where is the condemnation from the black community on the threats made by this man ?

This kind of escalating threats need to stop ! It is what gets people killed.

Threatening the children of politicians?

Can you imagine something similar said by a white preacher against the Obama kids ?
Chill out there will be a proclamation from the KKK at 9:00 pm...
Why Not, we have already had the equivalent from the black community.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Nope, it looks like it came in at 6:31PM
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-14-2012, 09:05 PM
After what happened today, for the union thugs to threaten Gov. Snyder's daughter is beyond the pale. Shame on them!

A speaker at a protest against Michigan's right-to-work legislation said that Republican governor Rick Snyder will "get no rest" from pro-union activists if Snyder signs the bill into law.

"Just know one thing, Rick Snyder: You sign that bill, you won't get no rest," said Rev. Charles Williams II at the Tuesday rally in Lansing, according to Michigan Capitol Confidential. "We'll meet you on Geddes Road. We'll be at your daughter's soccer game. We'll visit you at your church. We'll be at your office."

See the video here: Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Threats are wrong. If the comments were minus the soccer game, then it would get into what they mean about "you won't get no rest". If it is violence, that should be unacceptable to people on either side. If it's protests and pickets, that's part of the life of a politician.

But either way, bringing the family into it is wrong.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You mean like when Alec Baldwin said that Congressman Henry Hyde and his family should be stoned to death on the Letterman show?
The thought occurred to me that perhaps the Rev. meant that he would be there to non-violently protest at the daughter's soccer game as well as the governor's church and office.

I did not hear the Rev say that he intended to violently kick ass. Perhaps his only intent was to non-violently take a few names!

As long as taking names is done non-violently, is it against the law?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-15-2012, 04:44 AM
You mean like when Alec Baldwin said that Congressman Henry Hyde and his family should be stoned to death on the Letterman show? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes, that was very seriously wrong. I would hope any sane person would hold that to be wrong. The Detroit comment as posted--other than bringing the daughter into it--doesn't clarify what "We'll meet you" means.
Make no mistake, the Rev. Williams is a wordsmith. He knew of which he spoke.

The vagueness of Williams "we'll meet you" phrase is intentional, it offers up the threat without being so specific...

Williams could have easily said "we will demonstrate" everywhere you go. He didn't, in his vagueness he intended his words to be the threat.
Make no mistake, the Rev. Williams is a "Trending" wordsmith. He knew of which he spoke. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
There, I fixed it for the idiot!
The "village idiot" has spoken (in this case posted).