There have been some very powerful film and books on the virtues of reconciliation and forgiveness after a tragedy.

They can be a comfortable antidote that restores one soul in humanity after a tragedy like Newton.

I highly recommend anyone interested to check these out, they are widely available on Netflix, Amazon, libraries, and video stores.....There are others; search them out.

Our humanity can be an amazing gift.

"As We Forgive"

Reconciliation after Rwanda.

"Amish Grace"
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-14-2012, 08:23 PM
There have been some very powerful film and books on the virtues of reconciliation and forgiveness after a tragedy.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I flew to Hawaii and spent 2 weeks playing golf after the Gore v Bush Supreme Court Case. Did wonders for my soul.
There have been some very powerful film and books on the virtues of reconciliation and forgiveness after a tragedy.

They can be a comfortable antidote that restores one soul in humanity after a tragedy like Newton.

I highly recommend anyone interested to check these out, they are widely available on Netflix, Amazon, libraries, and video stores.....There are others; search them out.

Our humanity can be an amazing gift.

"As We Forgive"

Reconciliation after Rwanda.

"Amish Grace" Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yeah, maybe you ought to write a book telling the parents of those dead children all about how they ought to get over it because their dead children are the price we have to pay to live in a free society, as you've posted up in the other thread. I'm sure they'd be all over it on Chistmas morning while they think about their dead children.

You are a stupid fucking piece of shit. Maybe you ought to clue in that now would be a good time for you to shut the fuck up, rather than try to console anybody whose kids have been killed because of a policy you support, you half-wit asshole.
Thanks for posting Timmyboy.

You couldn't refrain from taking your personal shots, even in a thread that addresses two of the greatest universal truths of our humanity' - reconciliation and forgiveness.

At least WTF, tried to inject some (self-deprecating) humor into the thread.....much appreciated WTF.
Whirly, the posted links show that you DO have the capacity
To show compassion and morality.
It's a shame that your other posts regarding this matter don't allude to the same.
Seems a bit insincere. IMO .

Cog had the ability to be a human in other posts....
If he can do it. So can ye.
I'll give consideration to your criticism of me didn't engage in personal attacks...and I appreciate it.

It was my intention to stay out of posting in the other threads as they developed yesterday. But I jumped in once the threads started venturing into was others who first brought up gun control, abortion, Obama's grandness, and other peripheral issues. I was responding to those.

If you disagree with me on those issues. Fine. But I wasn't the one who injected the peripheral issues into the discussion - I think your criticisms belong more squarely on those posters.

Whirly, the posted links show that you DO have the capacity
To show compassion and morality.
It's a shame that your other posts regarding this matter don't allude to the same.
Seems a bit insincere. IMO .

Cog had the ability to be a human in other posts....
If he can do it. So can ye. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
On the topic; I am always in awe at the peacefulness that wrongly convicted prisoners seem to share. After exoneration, few (if any), harbor strong emotions of hatred or revenge. They seem at peace with themselves and the world, even after being falsely accused and imprisoned for decades.

Powerful, restorative stuff.
On the topic; I am always in awe at the peacefulness that wrongly convicted prisoners seem to share. After exoneration, few (if any), harbor strong emotions of hatred or revenge. They seem at peace with themselves and the world, even after being falsely accused and imprisoned for decades.

Powerful, restorative stuff. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
How touching!
The Village Idiot is begging for the town folks to notice him.............

A short and to the point prayer for Whirly and Joe the Bloehard to say at nighty-night time:

God, please save us from a President who actually demonstrates compassion, sympathy, kindness and empathy during a time of national tragedy! Amen!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You really are a poor source to even be speaking.

You have made your callous position clearly known many times over.

Now, after all your rampant condemnation, you want to talk about the virtues of forgiveness?

. . . Coming from you, they are just empty words and you really should just shut the fuck up!

There have been some very powerful film and books on the virtues of reconciliation and forgiveness after a tragedy.

They can be a comfortable antidote that restores one soul in humanity after a tragedy like Newton.

I highly recommend anyone interested to check these out, they are widely available on Netflix, Amazon, libraries, and video stores.....There are others; search them out.

Our humanity can be an amazing gift.

"As We Forgive"

Reconciliation after Rwanda.

"Amish Grace" Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You really are a poor source to even be speaking.

You have made your callous position clearly known many times over.

Now, after all your rampant condemnation, you want to talk about the virtues of forgiveness?

. . . Coming from you, they are just empty words and you really should just shut the fuck up!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
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