Make up sex

oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 06-18-2010, 10:06 PM
Yes, it happens but; is it worth the preamble? For myself, I would just like to skip the conflict and get the energy! Do females feel that they need to have drama to prove their lovers' passion or is there a passion button that they are looking to push?
atlcomedy's Avatar
Make up sex with a hooker? What happened, you NCNS & then beg forgiveness?
TexRich's Avatar
Make up sex with a hooker? What happened, you NCNS & then beg forgiveness? Originally Posted by atlcomedy

LOL, right on right on right on.
Make up sex? It has been so long since I have argued with a man. Now I'm not saying that I am Miss Happy Go Lucky, it's just been a really long time since I have been in a relationship. I'm hoping with maturity comes less drama.
Taurus99's Avatar
makeup sex is great. I guess it depends on the girl, but I have an ex who gets so turned on after a fight. The passion is unreal. She would just start fights for no reason, but I think she just liked it when I would get mad and become aggressive with her. Im with you on the less drama the better...but makeup sex is Hard to pass up...
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 06-18-2010, 10:32 PM
Don't think that I was angling that way, but ATF, or UTR or SOs would be more on topic. However, a NCNS makeup by a provider might qualify. I would still prefer not to have suffered through the precipitant event and skipped to the conclusion.
  • Bliss
  • 06-18-2010, 10:48 PM
Do females feel that they need to have drama to prove their lovers' passion or is there a passion button that they are looking to push? Originally Posted by oden
It's not always the females that cause the drama and conflict that leads to make-up sex.
It could be the separation which caused longing, and during the separation, the realization that you understood the other view.
Now I'm saying that I am Miss Happy Go Lucky, Originally Posted by Ansley
Please put the word 'not' into that sentence.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-19-2010, 11:47 AM
Please put the word 'not' into that sentence. Originally Posted by Ansley
pyramider's Avatar
Make up sex like free sex or the g spot . . . urban myths.
Sex...what's that? Makeup sex....????
I love make up sex. I don't like to fight, so it's a rare event for me, but when it happens. Wow.

I think it's the sudden change in attitude that makes it so hot. Knowing you hated them one minute and are uncontrollably ripping off their clothes the next.

Plus, typically with my old SO that's why we'd quit fighting. One of us would get too horny to care about whatever the argument was over.
Make up sex is good, but the sex is even better during an argument!