What board to people use in Chicago?

AidanRedd's Avatar
I live in Texas where eccie is the main board. What board to people use in Chicago?
There is really no board. I usually use RS2K or P411 in my search.
benny9770's Avatar
Aidian, loved the ECCIE board in Texas. Lots of good information and topics. I have not found anything like it in Chicago.
TexRich's Avatar

when I was in Indiana, this is what a lot of hobbyist and providers used in the midwest area, along with P411 and unfortunately eros
derek303's Avatar
I travel up there once a month and plan on helping. Starting by trying to book with a provider that just advertized here.
I live in Texas where eccie is the main board. What board to people use in Chicago? Originally Posted by AidanRedd
Well I heard of a few other boards, but I do like this one so hey Chicago lets stand up and get it going with this board. Its pretty nice. I will do my part and participate. Lets get it going.
badhusband's Avatar
Chicago is a busy town. There are a few clicks that dominate the board on TER. TBD is can be busy at times as well for Chicago. This site just has to spread by word of mouth. It can border-line clickish in the chat room here as well. For example someone will make a comment about the weather, assuming everyone in there is in Texas....

Well I heard of a few other boards, but I do like this one so hey Chicago lets stand up and get it going with this board. Its pretty nice. I will do my part and participate. Lets get it going. Originally Posted by tiacarter
Chicago is a busy town. There are a few clicks that dominate the board on TER. TBD is can be busy at times as well for Chicago. This site just has to spread by word of mouth. It can border-line clickish in the chat room here as well. For example someone will make a comment about the weather, assuming everyone in there is in Texas.... Originally Posted by badhusband

Hi badhusband, I am Tia and I am kind of new but been posting on the boards for the past 2 months. I dont know about the clicks on here or TER I just post and stay friendly to people and wish everybody the best. You seem like a cool guy maybe one day we will have the pleasure of a private encounter.
badhusband's Avatar
There's no doubt in my mind that if/when we meet that we'lll tear it up!!!!

Hi badhusband, I am Tia and I am kind of new but been posting on the boards for the past 2 months. I dont know about the clicks on here or TER I just post and stay friendly to people and wish everybody the best. You seem like a cool guy maybe one day we will have the pleasure of a private encounter. Originally Posted by tiacarter