DO YOU FEEL LIKE WE ARE ALL (bleeped) . . .

Maybe we All are. Maybe Not. However We are All in this together. The Industry & cyber-communities representing what became known as the Hobby were first developed as a tool to keep us connected safely-All of us. With time & corruption these virtual places became very Real places where we ALL could be put at risk. Enter terms & conditions enforced by sites via Moderators in the more selective Board Communities. They make sure we all behave cuz it ain't about Just You or Just Me. So on that note, am I the only person fed-up w/advertisements of liable-less products, goods & services presented for consumption by us based on the "by any means necessary" philosophy of advertising? Thats why My online activity is minimal everywhere. The internet system of information is a databased file of information stored in networks of online information. Confused? Simplified -All information online is connected w/All the other online information that is All directly stored, immediately & forever to the Data Base File it's connected to. What anyone whose a techno-tard like me needs to know is the Information Highway is real & accessed via the Internet which consists of Networks, Servers, Data Bases,Internet Service Providers as well as other intities like individuals Public or Private. Actual Data Bases of Informaton(the Files where All online information is stored)- Globally- are few & All online information stored in these Data Bases can only be accessed by whom ever has clearance to access these Data Bases. Remember we are discussing online information. It's a dream or a nightmare according to where in accessability to that information you stand. & that in this capitalistic, parasitic world we All live in boils down to what everything always does-Power. Telemarketers selling list of contacts to other telemarketing companies or Scandalous Pirates not even attempting to hide their origin or identity-Ever gotten a notice of Inheritance or Lottery Winnings from an Over Seas Firm based in -oh say Nigeria, possibly? Ever gotten any SPAM!? How does your email info get connected w/any of these or other types of random mailors that have it? Power is not an elusive or a complex ability. It's available anywhere to anyone to a certain degree dependent upon their Leverage. In the WORLD WIDE WEB(the wicked web we all weave)-Power & Leverage are brokered to the highest bidder(usually an elite or eclusive intity like Browers-that are private even if they've gone public companies that collect, exchange & share public information OR information about The Public ) or where ever the greatest demand comes from(which is usually a private intity like Browsers). Why am I posting on this subject-Nationally-in this particular arena? I had an email delivered to me under false pretenses & misleading subject title that wound up being a solictation from Yet Another "new & better than anything else!" Site where providers can advertise & hobbyist have a way of finding & contacting providers. The most disturbing aspect of the email is how vague & non-specific all their responses to my questioning them were & the info they included in the body of the initial email that was specific to only me. I do not believe the intent of the Advertiser that had decieved me purposefully was anything more than selling me on signing on w/them. However-the deceptive use of actual info, misinformation & false pretense in contacting me is Not acceptable nor follows protocol set by several Federal Agencies Guidelines. I wanna get your feedback. Does this sound familiar to any of you? I do not want to state the name of the site just yet but they do advertsise here & on many other adult sites. I want to research the legalities of their approach(& possible loop-holes) & any system of recourse to stop them or at the very least get them to cease their deceptive tactics that compromise the Privacy & Discretion of the very people they are soliciting to. This is our community, regardless of your involvement if you're are reading this that includes you too. The Power of protecting ourselves is having the courage to speak out which becomes Our Leverage & the beauty is you can do so privately &/or anonymously or openly & freely right here! I have no problem sharing the email w/anyone who contacts me privately at this time & I plan on another post in the near future containing the original email & responses as well as an update on the status of a resolution to the situation. Who knows this could be the Best Thing that's Ever happened to All of Us-Ever! In the meantime Thank You for your time & anything you wish to Add! FREEDOM ONLY EXISTS WHEN EVERYONE EXPERIENCES IT EQUALLY-Just Jodi
Jodi, please send me the site you are talking about via PM.

The Colonel
Sorry, but without a few well placed returns and paragraph breaks, I just can't follow the content.
Man that is hard to read.
ICU 812's Avatar


I am sure that this is something that affects to all of us . . .take a breath and say it again please.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Sorry, but without a few well placed returns and paragraph breaks, I just can't follow the content. Originally Posted by tigercat
Man that is hard to read. Originally Posted by MasterBaiter1996
Yeah, some punctuation would be nice. Otherwise, I'm going to need some Excedrin if I read that
And to think I thought you were just another pretty face. I like a gal with a little attitude. You go girl.
Maybe we All are. Maybe Not. However We are All in this together.

The Industry & cyber-communities representing what became known as the Hobby were first developed as a tool to keep us connected safely-All of us. With time & corruption these virtual places became very Real places where we ALL could be put at risk.

Enter terms & conditions enforced by sites via Moderators in the more selective Board Communities. They make sure we all behave cuz it ain't about Just You or Just Me. So on that note, am I the only person fed-up w/advertisements of liable-less products, goods & services presented for consumption by us based on the "by any means necessary" philosophy of advertising?

Thats why My online activity is minimal everywhere. The internet system of information is a databased file of information stored in networks of online information. Confused? Simplified -All information online is connected w/All the other online information that is All directly stored, immediately & forever to the Data Base File it's connected to.

What anyone whose a techno-tard like me needs to know is the Information Highway is real & accessed via the Internet which consists of Networks, Servers, Data Bases,Internet Service Providers as well as other intities like individuals Public or Private. Actual Data Bases of Informaton(the Files where All online information is stored)- Globally- are few & All online information stored in these Data Bases can only be accessed by whom ever has clearance to access these Data Bases.

Remember we are discussing online information. It's a dream or a nightmare according to where in accessability to that information you stand. & that in this capitalistic, parasitic world we All live in boils down to what everything always does-Power.

Telemarketers selling list of contacts to other telemarketing companies or Scandalous Pirates not even attempting to hide their origin or identity-Ever gotten a notice of Inheritance or Lottery Winnings from an Over Seas Firm based in -oh say Nigeria, possibly? Ever gotten any SPAM!? How does your email info get connected w/any of these or other types of random mailors that have it? Power is not an elusive or a complex ability. It's available anywhere to anyone to a certain degree dependent upon their Leverage.

In the WORLD WIDE WEB(the wicked web we all weave)-Power & Leverage are brokered to the highest bidder(usually an elite or eclusive intity like Browers-that are private even if they've gone public companies that collect, exchange & share public information OR information about The Public ) or where ever the greatest demand comes from(which is usually a private intity like Browsers).

Why am I posting on this subject-Nationally-in this particular arena? I had an email delivered to me under false pretenses & misleading subject title that wound up being a solictation from Yet Another "new & better than anything else!" Site where providers can advertise & hobbyist have a way of finding & contacting providers. The most disturbing aspect of the email is how vague & non-specific all their responses to my questioning them were & the info they included in the body of the initial email that was specific to only me.

I do not believe the intent of the Advertiser that had decieved me purposefully was anything more than selling me on signing on w/them. However-the deceptive use of actual info, misinformation & false pretense in contacting me is Not acceptable nor follows protocol set by several Federal Agencies Guidelines. I wanna get your feedback.

Does this sound familiar to any of you? I do not want to state the name of the site just yet but they do advertsise here & on many other adult sites. I want to research the legalities of their approach(& possible loop-holes) & any system of recourse to stop them or at the very least get them to cease their deceptive tactics that compromise the Privacy & Discretion of the very people they are soliciting to.

This is our community, regardless of your involvement if you're are reading this that includes you too. The Power of protecting ourselves is having the courage to speak out which becomes Our Leverage & the beauty is you can do so privately &/or anonymously or openly & freely right here! I have no problem sharing the email w/anyone who contacts me privately at this time & I plan on another post in the near future containing the original email & responses as well as an update on the status of a resolution to the situation.

Who knows this could be the Best Thing that's Ever happened to All of Us-Ever! In the meantime Thank You for your time & anything you wish to Add! FREEDOM ONLY EXISTS WHEN EVERYONE EXPERIENCES IT EQUALLY-Just Jodi
Originally Posted by JustJodi
That's better.


A Scandalous Pirate
pyramider's Avatar
I was getting spam for breast enhancements, penis enlargements, pills to make my penis size almost adequate, etc long before Slixa was even some fucktard's idea.
There is a difference between spam and popups (which we are all used to handling) and paying people to write fake rave reviews about a service. Especially when said posts are not marked as "sponsored.". If even ONE of the people participating in this sham was honest about it, I would give the site a chance. But the same thing happened with a different site a while ago (maybe verifyhim?). Several women with minimal posting histories started threads with almost identical pitches for the site. Then negative reports began to come out from people that were a little more trustworthy.

It would not surprise me in the slightest to find out that there is a common thread between the two to be honest.

Attempting to bullshit women in the business of bullshit? Sad, silly, destined to fail.
geeez..everyone hates SLIXA...about the third time I've read negatively about it - and all from hobbyist.
pyramider's Avatar
I still thinck Slixa would be a good name for lube.
Was that the Unibomber manifesto? I could not read it.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
geeez..everyone hates SLIXA...about the third time I've read negatively about it - and all from hobbyist. Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Except this time it's from a provider not a hobbyist....