The 9 Most Famous Prostitutes In History

Believe it or not, but prostitutes used to be a relatively well-respected profession—at least, you know, much more so than it is now. In fact, you'll probably find yourself surprised at some of the people who were streetwalkers in their past and throughout history

Marilyn Monroe? Plus a few other surprises. I wonder how true this is.
And yet they omit Mary Magdalene.
That was cute... Cora Pearl is hot with her stance!

The commentary was better.. funny stuff there : )

My favorite is Jeanette Maier of New Orleans.. not as famous but I just like the woman herself.
thisguy23's Avatar
Who would you think are some of the most famous today on a national level?
setman's Avatar
Who would you think are some of the most famous today on a national level? Originally Posted by thisguy23

Just saying...


Fast Gunn's Avatar
Prostitute is such an ugly word.

. . . No wonder we call them providers today!

And yet they omit Mary Magdalene. Originally Posted by Lovely_Lilianna
Some theories say that she wasn't saying it was just a rumor.
pyramider's Avatar
Where was Lizzy Borden?
DallasRain's Avatar
thanks..that was a cool read!

I always thought Calamity Jane was rockin!