3 reasons I hate Winter:

1) Women have to bundle up like the Michelin man, therefore depriving me of seeing the goodies.

2) I have to bundle up like the Michelin man, therefore hiding all my goodies. (That might be a good thing, disregard)

3) Can't stay outside more than 2 minutes before being miserable.

4) If it is cold, and I am at the beach, see # 2 and #3

5) I have dreams of being in the Canadian Mounties. Bad for all concerned, I'm not that nice.

Just something I dreamed up, add as you wish. Look forward to the replies.
One reason why I love winter........

I can lay in front of my fireplace on a rug naked with someone.
I was counting, and just realized that I posted 5 reasons. Oops, my bad. Too many moving parts.
Figures, someone that thinks the glass is half full. That reminds me to turn up the heat in the room I am in when I am in the area next. Thanks for the reminder, Ms.E!
I like winter, because it kills off the insects, especially flies and mosquitoes.
I hate being cold. It does make great snuggle, fucking and hot stew and soup weather.