It's normal to want to trust people. What ends up happening is person A takes person B for their word and when person B proves to be a lying POS, person A likely feels naive and taken advantage of ....... So, now persons c,d,e,f, etc are automatically suspected of dishonesty, the manner in which they are dealt with is certainly more distant and guarded. The lady's focus on providing quality and respectful service (that person B enjoyed but took for granted) is swiftly and subconsciously shifted over to: protection and survival.
Guys comment very very often on how cold and distance some ladies are. I would guess they've crossed paths with too many person Bs. I know it has had an effect on me for sure. I get impatient and ask people not to contact me if I get even the slightest impression they are just entertaining themselves at my expense without any intention of booking actual time.
Mya, dont feel bad. I'm about to post a warning for a very similar situation that happened to me last week except the gent was there, kept me for a good bit of three hours then decided he was too tired for any private time but swore to me he wanted a session the next night and promised he would see me tomorrow. Well, like a total dumbass I didn't want to degrade the "mutual respect" thing that seemed to be present. At the time I felt like I would be an asshole if I did. Lesson learned.
I'll post it later tho...going to mall....