When the numbers just do not add up, time for some truth in advertising.

Okay, a certain lady is advertising today that she taught Monica Lewinsky how to perform oral sex. (She was a bit more graphic in her description, but I don't speak that way in mixed company.)

So, I went to her showcase, and she shows her age is 24. Now, the affair that threatened Bill Clinton's presidency came to light in 1998. If her age truly is 24, then she was teaching oral sex lessons at a very tender age. Or she is lying, and she is at least 32 years old.

That said, from all I have read and seen, Clinton's taste in woman was pretty poor, and he was not very selective. Do we have any independent evaluation of Monica's oral skills to suggest that she would even hold a candle to some of our wonderful ladies here? What bragging rights would exist for teaching someone how to perform oral sex on a president who obviously had such poor taste in women?
  • hd
  • 12-27-2012, 12:12 PM
Consider his taste in women compared to Hillary! Waddaya think now?
mansfield's Avatar
What bragging rights would exist for teaching someone how to perform oral sex on a president who obviously had such poor taste in women?
She still blew a President, that puts her on a very short list no matter how you slice it. But yeah, I'm not sure claiming to be the instructor makes much sense
bojulay's Avatar
Yeah that's true but I do love a good cigar.
I don't think she meant she actually taught Monika. And fucking the president is kind of a big deal.
mansfield's Avatar
And fucking the president is kind of a big deal.
Remember now, he didn't have sex with that woman, at least depending on what the meaning of the word "is" is

I still can't believe he answered that question the way he did. Possibly the greatest lawyer answer ever given lol. Wish there had been a chapter on that in my civil litigation class.
This answer by Clinton was classic, edit drug ref-Torito
"Yes...but I didn't inhale."
Priceless lawyerspeak.
Roothead's Avatar
Jennifer Flowers was kinda hot .... But with ole Billy being from Arkansas, me thinks he would jump almost any female .... Including Granny (Irene Ryan) Clapett.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Jennifer Flowers in her book wrote about Clinton, "he had a small dick, but he ate pussy like a champ." and so far as I know Granny Clampet has kept her mouth shut.
pyramider's Avatar
I bet Miss Hathaway was a freak.
Seems Ms. Hathaway was a lesbian. Bill wasn't her type, might want to check with Hillary.

pyramider's Avatar
If you were married to Hilliary I bet you would try to dip the wick anywhere you could put it. Hilliary scares me.
pmdelites's Avatar
Remember now, he didn't have sex with that woman, at least depending on what the meaning of the word "is" is

I still can't believe he answered that question the way he did. Possibly the greatest lawyer answer ever given lol. Wish there had been a chapter on that in my civil litigation class. Originally Posted by mansfield
"i did not have sexual relations with that woman" is the way i remember his reply, complete w/ pounding his hand on a desk and pointing his finger at the questioner.

cos from what i remember, to him "sexual relations" meant sexual intercourse, not oral sex.