So far I have had some pretty good luck on moco. The selection is always changing. This one is very fun and will pretty much do anything but anal. How has everyone else luck going?
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Been wanting to see her. Corpus is far from me right now.
Is she open to seeing others?
If she is interested in seeing others, count me in
She see's anyone. She is typically on Moco chat looking for customers. For a good old fashioned fuck and suck its 40 bucks.
Hope she doesn't raise her rates now that you're advertising her.
How do we contact her on Moco? screenname? or email?
I've seen her before at her place on the north side but lost her number if u can give it to me so I can get ahold of her again
Shit TCB. And her number's on her profile.
I tried setting something up all week while I was down there, took forever to get a reply, which sucks when you live out of town and have to work around family.
I'm sure she has a small window to meet up with someone, but at least say so. Met another girl and picked her up outside her family's house without issues.
Her screen name is latoya_boo, yes she is on the north side. She is pretty cool but the area she conducts business is a bit crazy. She once blew me in front of her roommates Staff Edit: Very close to crossing the line on one of the nuclear subjects here. CZ
Sorry guys didn't mean to be out of line, just trying to inform possible clients of the situation they may see
This one is a recent one, for all of those who are not in the cc area, this one lives in Pharr. Saw her last week. She doesn't offer the GFE but the body is banging. Her screen name is twixx901.
I hate the middle finger throwing thing. And I've noticed they rarely provide any kind of GFE at all. One girl I saw gave me a quick HJ, tossed me a condom, then hopped on. I was in and out in about 10 minutes. I guess when you're paying $40 it all works out.