Old Strip clubs

pickupkid's Avatar
Do you remember...lamppost bar,,,how about Show palace or the Green Door, the Traxx?
hmmm...or the Sidewinder, Bwana Dicks and Camelot?
Oh my Camelot I worked at for a short and Xotica too. But had been a in a massage parlor earlier than that and said f**k it to that whole dancer gigs.Don't get me wrong love the cage.
Exithere's Avatar
What about Ziegfield's?
daydreamin69's Avatar
Can't forget the Peppermint Lounge!
Landing Strip
Turtle Creek Club
Davqaz's Avatar
Top of the Strip
oh good ol babyo's
Top of the Strip was my all-time face place to really go slumming. Last time I was there with my cousin and the line up was horrible...but we decided to have a blast anyway. We were whooping and hollering at anything that came out on the catwalk or for this place parolee walk. The DJ was so impressed with us he had the waittres bring us free beer and about 50 free passes each for whenever we wanted to come back. Although the pickings were not as fine as say All Stars or PTs at the time...treating the women like goddesses paid off for us very well that nite...unfortunately the club shut down within a year after our adventure.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 06-23-2010, 04:54 PM
How about bars where the bartenders flash. Are any of those still around?
Tr0y's Avatar
  • Tr0y
  • 06-23-2010, 05:24 PM
24K Gold Club. I dunno if that one is still around or not.
bigguy4DATY's Avatar
How about Conner's Place on Goliad, where I first met the infamous Harley... that girl was, err umm.. something else... yup. "Hell yeah muther f&%#er!"

Or Fantasy's across the street from that.

There's always Conner's Jersey Lilly(mmm Diamond mmm) and Horsin' Around(now that was a dive, and probably the worse "stage" ever imagined).

Club Maximus on Military was hot for a time, (mmm Flame mmm).

Gloria's Lounge, now that was a crazy place, asian girls and beer bottles, you do the math.

The DT Corral, now that place was hit or miss, first time there, I was the only customer, 2nd time, I couldn't even find a parking spot, go figure.

Some good and some scary times at these places, but fun all around
Giorgio's damm that place was heaven on earth anything you wanted inside outside club WOW
Alamojo's Avatar
...and did someone mention the old "Tommy's Inferno". I thought I could hear Bob Barker shouting from below "Come on down!". LMAO!
SpursFan's Avatar
Acapulco Fantasy where 2 dollar bills were issued to customers to tip the girls.

Yep - metal detectors too.

Brings back mamaries.