Charge backs

Tylus_amore's Avatar
As a provider begins to charge more for services and say they start to use credit cards how do you deal when a regular with no wife or any one else looking at the bank/ credit cards charges doing charge backs... not newbies but guys you have been seeing for a year... should they be held responsible for the fees and headache associated with the charge back if you have paper work and for my bdsm clients.. him signing a piece of paper for a business consult....
How should this be dealt with. I know his employer, where he lives, car (s) he drives etc.... no where near a newbie for me... no wife no kids no sick granny.. etc..
If you contact him and he refuses to pay within 30 days you have 3 options:
1. Charge it to the game.
2. Send goons to this fool's home to gather payment.
3. Small claims court.
40F Cougar's Avatar
That's 1 reason why I don't accept cc, I use to work for a cc company ....
If he is a long time, good client I would give him the opportunity to pay you the amount plus the fees within a reasonable time frame.
credit card = paper trail = bad idea.
Hooligan_'s Avatar
send goons after this fool??? ROFL wtf is that about?

and i agree, no credit cards..
3. Small claims court. Originally Posted by ArisRose
How do you explain this to a judge? Yes he paid me for sex on his credit card and then disputed the charge.
Hooligan_'s Avatar
ha ha right on! i soo can see this on judge judy!
sky_wire's Avatar
One problem with credit cards is that they provide the interstate jurisdictional hook for federal LE.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
That's 1 reason why I don't accept cc, I use to work for a cc company ....
If he is a long time, good client I would give him the opportunity to pay you the amount plus the fees within a reasonable time frame. Originally Posted by PrincessLeeGFE
I agree with Lee but you need to just get in your head that you'll probably never see him, nor your money, again.

I have always considered the times that I haven't been paid, or have been shorted, etc., as an occupational hazard.

That guy is a complete dick, by the way.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Cash...only, at the time services are rendered.
KatieKatie's Avatar
I have been advised to only accept credit cards on outcalls and to use your gps if you are using Square. That way you can prove it was him. Signature too. Little fucker. I hate that you put this public. Jackasses love new ideas on how to swindle escorts.
awl4knot's Avatar
Isn't this what provider black lists are for? And you have the SOB's exact name and particulars so the postings will have a greater impact.

Otherwise, you are figuratively screwed and welcome to the world of small business owners everywhere who have to deal with no/slow paying customers, bad checks and credit card issues.
utr_guy_in_houston's Avatar
One problem with credit cards is that they provide the interstate jurisdictional hook for federal LE. Originally Posted by sky_wire

agree, credit cards in the hobby are for crazy people. you have to take this activity off the grid.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Take his ass to court and the court will look at the clean hands issue.

You will lose anyway because you have to walk into court with clean hands.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Most people might not understand the "clean hands" thing concerning court.

Why don't you explain it to them? I'm not sure how to word it except to go to small claims court, you have to have "clean hands". In other words, there cannot be illegal actions in the equation with the suing party.

Something like that. I'm sure that someone will have a much better definition.