Congrats Lea Madisson!!!

  • DinDC
  • 01-05-2013, 10:01 AM
For those who don't know her, Lea travels up here from Mississippi regularly. She just completed her first-ever half-marathon today! Awesome!!!
plainjoe's Avatar
Congratulations! 13.1 miles - now you have to prepare for your first marathon. Lots of road work to prepare for races...great job!
omakase's Avatar
Walking the next day is always the hard part. Congrats Lea!
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Thanks for the kind words!! I can hardly believe I did it myself!!

Recovery hasn't been too bad and I am already planning for my next one!!

I will be back in DC Jan 29 -Feb 1, but, alas.. no races! However, I will still be running each day while I am there! Gotta keep up the training!


plainjoe's Avatar
I'll see you when you get here...bring some cold weather gear (tights, gloves, hat to keep your ears warm, etc.) Depending on where you stay, great places to run - if in D.C., running down the mall from the Capital to Lincoln is pretty scenic, if elsewhere, there are options...