Just another reminder we all need to be smart and play safe...
This is just "Mother Nature" trying to exert some badly needed population control. And while this story focuses on just one Disease (Gonorrhea). There are now multiple diesases that are resistant to all but the latest generation of antibiotics. Most notably Staph infections (frighteningly these are mostly picked up in Hospitals) and necrofasitus (The flesh eating disease). Originally Posted by RochBobI'm not surprised that infections are becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. With so many people taking antibiotics for a simple cold, of course resistance would occur. Doctors are finally cutting back on antibiotic prescriptions. If you have a cold don't run to your doctor and beg for a prescription. Fight it off naturally with rest and fluids.
I'm not surprised that infections are becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. With so many people taking antibiotics for a simple cold, of course resistance would occur. Doctors are finally cutting back on antibiotic prescriptions. If you have a cold don't run to your doctor and beg for a prescription. Fight it off naturally with rest and fluids. Originally Posted by Tatiana M.And don't put Purell on everything. Don't wash your bodies natural defenses away with incessant antibacterial washes. Exposé yourself to germs and build up some defenses. Stop being a news watching non-thinking pansy ass brainwashed pussy.