Eric Holder: Gun Owners Should 'Cower' in Shame Like Smokers

joe bloe's Avatar
This guy is really anti second amendment. Here's a quote from the video link:
" We need to really brainwash people to think about guns in a vastly different way."

As the government gets bigger and bigger and begins to take more of our freedom away, it becomes more necessary, from their point of view, to disarm the people.

Eric Holder: Gun Owners Should 'Cower' in Shame Like Smokers

The hot new video at is 1995 footage of Attorney General Eric Holder, when he was the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. In his remarks before the Woman's National Democratic Club, broadcast by CSPAN 2, Holder said people should be ashamed to own guns, just the way that cigarette smokes now "cower outside of buildings" to smoke.
"What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that's not cool, that it's not acceptable, it's not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we’ve changed our attitudes about cigarettes. You know, when I was growing up, people smoked all the time. Both my parents did. But over time, we changed the way that people thought about smoking, so now we have people who cower outside of buildings and kind of smoke in private and don’t want to admit it.”
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-10-2013, 05:22 PM
you twisted the context to the point the entire article shines over your stupidity ..

I cant speak for all responsible gun owners or NRA members, but me being both, I'll come right out and say MY side doesnt need the horseshit you and the rest of the idiots just like you are putting out right now ... regardless of your pro gun stance, youre nothing more than a stench in the nostrils of MY side, and you do far more harm than good ..
joe bloe's Avatar
you twisted the context to the point the entire article shines over your stupidity ..

I cant speak for all responsible gun owners or NRA members, but me being both, I'll come right out and say MY side doesnt need the horseshit you and the rest of the idiots just like you are putting out right now ... regardless of your pro gun stance, youre nothing more than a stench in the nostrils of MY side, and you do far more harm than good .. Originally Posted by CJ7
I didn't twist anything. Is English your first language? You write like a retard.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, joey, you write (and think) like a retread.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-10-2013, 05:52 PM
I didn't twist anything. Is English your first language? You write like a retard. Originally Posted by joe bloe

sure you did, no where in the article does it say that or anything like that ..

Gun Owners Should 'Cower' in Shame Like Smokers ...
joe bloe's Avatar
sure you did, no where in the article does it say that or anything like that ..

Gun Owners Should 'Cower' in Shame Like Smokers ... Originally Posted by CJ7
That's the title of the article. I think that counts as being "in the article." You don't just write like a retard.

From the body of the article: "Holder said people should be ashamed to own guns, just the way that cigarette smokers now "cower outside of buildings" to smoke."
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-10-2013, 06:10 PM
I read it, you skewed it ... shit on holder and shit on your 1995 quote

I stand by my first comment
joe bloe's Avatar
I read it, you skewed it ... shit on holder and shit on your 1995 quote

I stand by my first comment Originally Posted by CJ7
You're an idiot.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Is there anyone here that is "seriously" going to defend Holder on anything he's done in the last 4 years? Please....give it your best shot.
Is there anyone here that is "seriously" going to defend Holder on anything he's done in the last 4 years? Please....give it your best shot. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I will. He hasn't been the best AG ever but his record is pretty good. Certainly better than the ass-kissing mullet-heads from the last administration. I guess I'd run his record up against Alberto Gonzales just about any day of the week.

By the way, forgive me for asking...but, how are his statements wrong? All of us smokers are on the well we should be....the government's anti-smoking policy has been pretty successful. Maybe if we change the attitude towards guns, we can prevent 20 more dead six year olds from being in the news next year. Would that be a bad thing?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is this about Holder or is about douchebags who think we need to brandish firearms just to show the world we can.

at least we've stopped whining about the election...

I suppose that's a good thing...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Eric Holder = Fast and Furious
Government sponsored gun violence kills US agent
enough said.

Sounds like we need to control the government, eh?
joe bloe's Avatar
Eric Holder = Fast and Furious
Government sponsored gun violence kills US agent
enough said.

Sounds like we need to control the government, eh? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
If our system of government was working the way it was designed to work, Eric Holder would be cowering in shame in a federal prison because of his actions in the Fast and Furious scandal.
What was that called in the Bush era before he inherited it?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-11-2013, 07:19 AM
Is there anyone here that is "seriously" going to defend Holder on anything he's done in the last 4 years? Please....give it your best shot. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Sadly it seems every admisistration has surrounded itself with one completely wacked out person who should be in a deep dark hole and never allowed out. Holder certainly fit's that description for this administration. It is beyond me how he was not removed years ago. It is almost as if once a president makes such an increadibly stupid error they are unwilling to admit it by reoving them.

I can't think of a single good thing to say about Holder, and whenever I see someone support him it immediately casts doubt on anything else they say.