Who doesn't love twins!?!?!

Marcus78's Avatar
I saw this on another website, and had to share.


No idea how to embed videos, so maybe someone could teach me some day!

On a related note, has anyone ever had an adventure with twins? While I think two, identical, smoking-hot women is a sight to behold, if they were sisters, that would totally remove the exciting girl-on-girl element which is what excites me about a doubles session the most!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-11-2013, 12:41 AM
Fixed the Youtube link for you Marcus.

Here is how you can do it...


Nothing to it.
cyranose69's Avatar
Love the twins
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Thanks for sharing Marcus and thanks for fixing the video Mokoa..........
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
Never twins but I have done sisters in hobby, One had never dont this before and just wanted to see what it was about but her stipulation was that her sister was there too. (UMMMM OK LOL)
Nutting Buckeye's Avatar
FedEx note to Santa......

"Dear Santa, please provide me with one set of twins for an explosive "nutting" experience in 2013!!!

Nutting Buckeye "

P.S. Thanks Marcus78 for the pics!!!