Quality of Eccie

Fast Gunn's Avatar
How would you rate the quality of Eccie now as compared to the previous year?
How would you rate the quality of Eccie now as compared to the previous year? Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I can't really say for sure, as I haven't even been on Eccie a full year, but from what I've heard other people say, it's alot better this year then the past, I guess people respect the rules more, they respect each other more, they just play nicer....whether or not thats true, I don't know. I still see some hostility here and there, but for the most part I sense the vibe here to be more jovial then hostile. Over in the upstate NY forums, we all seem to get along pretty well for the most part. I've been warned that so and so likes to start fights, or watch out for this or that, yet I haven't had any issues with anyone. I'm a pretty easy person to get along with; non confrontational. I'm also open minded enough to respect someone elses differing opionion without fighting which can be an art not everyone can master.
-So yeah, from what I've been told the mods cracked down on the trouble makers and trolls, as they should. So I can see Eccie only getting better.
Ask me when 2013's end is near!
shorty's Avatar
It is quiter around here and we can have somewhat civil discussions now. If you a person that likes drama, its still around in some of State Forums. There's something for everyone here.
Wakeup's Avatar
The OP is still here...so worse...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The problem I am seeing with Eccie is the unabated rise of pests.

They have nothing to contribute except garbage posts and smart ass remarks.

. . . This place is beginning to look like aspd in the dark days and something needs to change before it all goes down the tubes!

pyramider's Avatar
Things are all sunshine and daffodils because 2013 is the year of the taint.

Smartass comments contribute to the community as much as you FG.
b2pop's Avatar
  • b2pop
  • 01-12-2013, 04:37 PM
It's all good and what other choice do you have if you don't like then don't log in!!! I agree with pyramider smartasses and taint make it all better!!!
Cpalmson's Avatar
Wow, we have the almost perfect bell curve in terms of response distribution.
pyramider's Avatar
Looks like the middle finger is winning.
The pop-up advertising relegates eccie to bottom-feeder status.
Hate the popups. Will never look at Slixa.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I don't get any popups. ECCIE is still the best forum of its kind. Most of the other sites are just terrible when you consider ease of navigation. Whoever set ECCIE up sure had their shit together.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Eccie is what you make it, I think its still great

The pests are not going any where. While they still have a computer and internet pests will be on review boards.

I am glad that I have an option to ignore. The ignore list just keep longer. Oh well what can you do?!