Still Coming Bad Weather Is Slowing Me Down

Just wanted you all to know I am still coming to Austin. Right now they are closing alot of the ramps here in the Dallas area. It is snowing,sleeting,and raining. They said if you just have to get out be prepared to drive 5 mph.
So if you PM and don't hear from me for a little while know I am trying my best to get to you!

RainBlow's Avatar
That goes for me also, weather is bad, I shold be in Austin by now, but Im waiting until it clears a little
Be careful, Ladies. We only want slippery when wet in the bedroom.
Drive safe. Hope to see one of you girls
RainBlow's Avatar
finally made it to Austin yay
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 01-30-2013, 11:27 PM
Glad to see you are still around, Miss that sexy country voice of yours.. it's been way too long...

Did you come? To Austin?