Girls you can't beat this!!! (Photographer)

Hey girls just wanted you to know about this Photograher that I used today. UNBEATABLE PRICES and GREAT work!!! I only paid $200.00 for a shoot that was about 4 hours long, with unlimited outfit changes, unlimited photos, which were all edited!! Most Photographers that I contacted only promised me 10 edited photos, and they wanted to charge me extra if I wanted more then just 10. I took over 200 photos, and recieved all of them in my email the following day. ALL EDITED!!! You can't pass this one up!!! You can check out some of my pictures that I decided to post on my showcase to view some of his work. I had too many to choose from and have plenty to mix my showcase up every now and then! His name is Brian Page his contact info is 903-421-7633. He is a TRUE PHOTOGRAPHER!!
Hope he can help you as much as he has helped me!!
PODarkness's Avatar
They are nice, but you must be mistaken about over 200 edited pics in your e-mail the next day.
If he edited your pics for 24 hours straight without stopping, that's only around 7 minutes each.

A more realistic 10 hours straight would give him less than 3 minutes per pic. Perhaps you mean he re-sized them, or cropped them??

Again, they do look nice, but 200 in a day is beyond Olympic.
lol i agree, but maybe someone that looks like her probably didnt need much editing besides lighting changes or a little bit of shadowing etc...but i would looove to get in contact...where is this photographer located though? before i do my research..thanks!
scratch that, i mean i can assume where he is at by area code...but does he ever travel or maybe a business line? keeping my fingers
There is a possability they were "batch" edited.
PODarkness's Avatar
There is a possability they were "batch" edited. Originally Posted by BellaEroticImagery
Of course you are correct, and it all depends on the definition of "edited". Technically, batch processing the max size, compression, file type, meta-data, or even the indexing, is an edit, and any photo that has had any of those things done has been edited.

In the context of the thread, I think of an edited image as having a bit more attention paid to it than that, but that may not be how the OP, or the photographer, defines it.
the 3rd one is absolutely stunning!! you made that camera your bitch! lol
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-14-2010, 01:51 AM
the 3rd one is absolutely stunning!! you made that camera your bitch! lol Originally Posted by AmberXoXo
Like the one that took that picture that is now your avatar?
ben dover's Avatar
Nice work and fast too! BD
Very Beautiful!!
YOU look great in the photo's but dallas has much better photographers that will truely edit photo's ... it looks like all he did was edit the lighting ...
Some subjects are easier to shoot and require less editing. It sure looks like the subject was very photogenic here. Very nice pictures.
Editing, and retouching are different procedures. Editing can be done in a automated manner with software tools such as Adobes Lightroom. Adjustments made on one pic can be applied to all the pics using a batch function and takes little effort. Retouching on the other hand requires review of each picture and using a whole pallete of tools in Photoshop, I find that for me to properly retouch an image usally requires at least 15 to 30 minutes per image. Sadly these terms are misunderstood and true retouching is not fully appreciated by a lot of clients. The post production process i.e. "darkroom in the old days " is what seperates the great photographers from the rest of the crowd. I personally would rather create one GREAT photograph than a 100 mediocare photographs!