Hey, maybe CL is making a comeback! lol

Bobave's Avatar

I'm very interested in the ladies' reactions... "nothing weird is going to happen"... hahahaha

Here's the text in case the link goes bust:

Make It So - m4ww - 31 (University)

Date: 2013-01-12, 11:32PM MST
kmtqw-3542260564@pers.craigslist.org Need 2 or 3 women for Star Trek roleplaying. No nudity, no touching. STRICTLY "THE NEXT GENERATION" ERA CHARACTERS AND COSTUMES. Last time someone tried TOS and it was a disaster. There will be no mixing of eras. I don't want to hear how Captain Kirk is so great. Kirk isn't half the Captain that Picard is, OK? Kirk is a fat chauvinist ladies man. Picard is an honorable intellectual and an excellent diplomat. I built a bridge in my mom's garage and a small shuttlecraft. If this sounds like something you want to do let me know and I'll send you the script. I don't mind if your costume isn't terribly authentic, just make sure it's close to TNG era. Once you have your script you can think about your character and let me know about any ideas you have. We won't be filming anything it, it's just a fun way to spend an afternoon. Maybe my mom will make lunch. It helps if you know a lot about the show. This isn't paid, but I have a doctor's prescription pad (a long story) and I can write you a prescription for basically anything you want. The reason I need women is that the story is about getting stuck on a shuttlecraft. I can't tell you more now. Most weeknights and weekends are good times. Having your own props is an asset e.g. a phaser or a VISOR if your character needs one. Please respond with pic and short bio plus stats. Nothing weird is going to happen.
pyramider's Avatar
"Nothing weird is going to happen."

Trekkie roleplay and nothing weird?
LOL - Mom must be pretty understanding since she let him build a bridge and shuttlecraft in the garage and maybe will make lunch.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
LOL if they build one of those beam me up machines..Im in !

im game!
burkalini's Avatar
Ok I don't want to rain on anyones parade but this guy still lives at home and his mommy makes him lunch. I personally like star trek but his guy is fruit loops. I just can't get the " Ok it's time to tie you up for the sake of the scene now" out of my mind. I wouldn't get within 50 miles of this one. Just my thoughts.
Cpalmson's Avatar
First off, it is not Trekkie; it is Trekker. How many times will people get this sooooo wrong. Second, Picard is a pussy. Kirk is a real man. Third, KHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!