I think Obama's strategy is to ignore terrorism and pretend it's not happening. He got away with it in Benghazi. Why not try it again? If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? For most people, if it's not covered by MSM, it's not real. They just filter out Fox News and talk radio.
Originally Posted by joe bloe
I wouldn't have thought it possible, but you get more stupid as the days roll by.
I was thinking that we had killed OBL, were droning the shit out of terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan and were still running combat patrols in Afghanistan looking for the bad guys. In addition to the work being done by the folks in the CIA, the NSA and countless other US government organizations that let you feed your fat ass and sleep soundly at night without interruption. But, I guess that's just all made-up bullshit and we are going to "ignore terrorism."
What fucking world do you live in? I wonder what the soldiers and Marines in Afghanistan risking their lives every day would think about comments like yours...ignoring terrorism? We are fucking all over terrorism. Fuck you.
You're a knuckle-draggin' idiot.