
just opened my account back up on there today. i don't understand what i'm supposed to do on that site or how to use it. would someone mind telling me? pm me please thanks
Destiny, here is one man's opinion on what you are asking. I very rarely see a lady that is not on P411. As a hobbyist I don't ever have to concern myself with getting permission to use a lady I've seen as a reference, nor do I have to collect phone numbers and websites to give to someone I want to schedule an appointment with. All of that is handled by the P411 process. All I have to do is request an OK on P411 after I meet with a lady. When I want to request an appointment with a lady on P411, I do that through P411 and she gets an email with my request and the info she needs to view my profile on P411. The provider can then login to P411, view my profile as well as view my OK's. She can see all the providers I've seen and when I saw them. An added point of safety for the ladies is the fact a guy has to be verified by P411 before he can get an account. This is done by employment verification or at least 3 provider verifications. I know they check the provider references because when I signed up they could not get a response from one of the providers I gave them so I gave them a fourth so I could get verified. I hope this answers your question.
But dont be misled. ECCIE is where the abundance of clients come from and you can check them out pretty easy here as well. Most P411 clients are ECCIE as well and some just dont want to pay the (was $89) now $129 fee,but are still verifiable, generous, awesome clients.
ok thank you guys. I think I will try to start using it I just need to get familiar with the site.
Eccie is where the abundance of clients come from???

Perhaps in Houston, but based on what I hear, that really is not true for KC

However I would think that Eccie and P411 would be a nice combo here in KC, sprinkle perhaps with alittle TER
nineninanine's Avatar
The Eccie-P411 combo has worked well for me. When I want to splurge I'm always comfortable with the Apres Vous ladies.
You will get it sweety. Just play around and become very familiar with it as its an awesome screening site. Good luck!