Sexy_Brittany---( Super Sexy )

bojulay's Avatar
There is sexy and then there is super sexy, girl that's got it all,
brains, looks, sex appeal, Bojulay on speed dial ( I wish ).

Like Sexy_Brittany, Shayla, I can think of some more.

Any more hidden or not so hidden gyms out there?

Those two are really good examples.

Just try and imagine a doubles with Britt and Shayla, thoughts like that
keep a man up at night. Like at 3:17 AM
Still Looking's Avatar
Bojulay can effectively go after these "gems" because he is a bakery chief. That’s his secret. He makes them all cookies! Bojulay has bang more porn stars than Ron Jeremy.

coachstl's Avatar
Oh, man, thanks for the tip on Britt. Arkansas is fairly close to me. Gotta wonder, though, about women who look like her who are in this business. But that's part of the fun.
She is smart, feisty, sexy, witty, discriminating and has serious skills. Anyone smart enough to turn down Blad and cynical enough to call out dreams on her bogus little girl act gets points in my book. She has had some curveballs thrown to her in life, but has bounced back nicely and is making a real name for herself in AR.
Still Looking's Avatar
She is smart, feisty, sexy, witty, discriminating and has serious skills. Anyone smart enough to turn down Blad and cynical enough to call out dreams on her bogus little girl act gets points in my book. She has had some curveballs thrown to her in life, but has bounced back nicely and is making a real name for herself in AR. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
I wouldn't mind giving her a "slider" of sorts!
pyramider's Avatar
I wouldn't mind giving her a "minislider" of sorts! Originally Posted by Still Looking

Fixed that for you.
Still Looking's Avatar
Fixed that for you. Originally Posted by pyramider
You 'taint" kidding!
bojulay's Avatar
Maybe she'll do a Texas tour sometime.