Weather: Nice weekend for once, what will you do Golf, Fish, or Yard Work

It is suppose to be a nice weekend. Gather up your golf clubs and hit some balls. Throw your rod and reel in the truck and go catch some fish.. Get the hedge clippers out and clean up the yard.. Once you get finished with all of that go find you an awesome provider.....
Randy4Candy's Avatar
grrrrrr, yard work, unfortunately, though I may look up a sweetie to wash my balls...hee hee!
Gonna work with my hunting dog and then go fishing
daty/o's Avatar
Think I'll try to get my string wet.
What a lovely lovely Saturday. Enjoy this great day everybody.
ManSlut's Avatar
Tennis, best sport on the planet and I've played just about all of 'em...May do a little sailing though.
I'm going fishing
Sugar Mr. Poon?'s Avatar
Think I'll try to get my string wet. Originally Posted by daty/o
Just curious, was that a metaphor for fishing or a metaphor for sex? It certainly works both ways.