Anna & Philosophy

TheRedMonroe's Avatar
I honesty didn't know where to put this, so I'm throwing it in here.

I want to thank the gentlemen who saw Anna and everyone else who had interest in her.
Anna is beautiful and fun, but was not the hot little tamale we both thought she could be and I won't be booking for her anymore. She tried, but it seems that she just wasn't able to move past her shyness.
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WARNING***Philosophy ensues - Stop here if you are bored with philosophy***
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Perception of self vs. the perception of others
It's interesting to me how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us.
Using Anna as an example, she described herself as fun & outgoing and open to new experiences.
I think that she truly believed that, but when it came down to those new experiences, she shut down and wanted no part of them. She wasn't outgoing, she was rather shy and reserved. I don't think that her lie was intentional, she really thought she was outgoing.

I think everyone has ideas of what we want to be and we let those ideas overshadow what we really are. Think about it. Do you portray the person you really are?
Each environment is different, we can't act at work the way we do with our friends, and that is fine, but are you true to yourself in each environment? Or do you portray who you want to be rather than who you are?

I am myself. I'm rather reserved in every situation. I rarely go to clubs and I'm not a wild, outspoken woman. I'd rather be at home with a glass of wine and a good movie or book.
People used to call me "old" when I was in high school because I wasn't a partier. It used to upset me and it took me and it took me long time to accept this as who I am. I found friends who are just like me and I am able to comfortably be myself. I am absolutely silly (I love ridiculous humor), I nurture, I cook, I bake, I love to feed people, and I am a total dork! And I am totally ok with all of that!

So, are you true to yourself? Do you portray who you really are? Do those whom you are closest to know the REAL you?

Let me hear your thoughts.
Ceremony's Avatar
My belief is that all of us are more then the sum of our parts. The things we share with others and keep secret. Our thoughts and our actions. Our feelings and logic. Tell only part of the tale. All of those thing can change over time. Especially if we try new things and are open to different perspectives.
The "real" me is rather different at 35 then i was at 25. And may it be so when i am 45. Being stagnant doesnt help on being a "better"(whatever that means to you) person tomorrow.

Anywho, Cheers to life!
Interesting question. To be able explore where you at in your emotional developement, and where u want to be, and to assess the delta and understand the steps to get there, and whether you are capable to get there is called enagage in a maturation process.
Some people can start the process, and then not get there because of their psyche, if they understand and accept the failure, that is personal growth, that will provide learning and understanding of self.
Some who start a process and never get there, and don't undertsand or accept why leads to unrest and other unhealthy emotional and pshychological behaviors.
I have to wear different personnas in different situations, but I cannot allow my personna to engage in behavior against my convictions. I never met her, but anna could be trying to be in area that goes against her personality to the point of failure. If she choose to walk away, hopefully she can be at ease at the effort, and knowing what is a better fit for her.
As client, I do not like having sex with someone I don't like personally. If I do have sex with a provider that I don't like, I will not repeat with that person. I think if a woman has a personality similar to mine, she would have a tough time being a provider.
One thing to alsways remember, it is ok to fail once in a while, as long as there is learning
So Anna went independent ? Oh good to know, thanks!
TheRedMonroe's Avatar
No she is not independent. As far as I know, Anna will not be providing at all anywhere.
She couldn't quite get over her shyness to really get into the provider role.
She's a fabulous girl, but unfortunately she is just not made to hobby.
She's a fabulous girl, but unfortunately she is just not made to hobby. Originally Posted by TheRedMonroe
I've often felt the same about quitting. Enough is enough, how much can I keep giving?
better be at least $$$.
That's too bad. I really liked her.
trojantide's Avatar
It's good she walked away on her own. It could have gone much different. This article says it much better than I could.
Not everyone is suited for this line of work. We should celebrate the ladies who do it so well.
Sorry about Anna. I agree with everything you said, except the "dork" part.
TheRedMonroe's Avatar
It's good she walked away on her own. It could have gone much different. This article says it much better than I could. Originally Posted by trojantide
^^That was a fantastic article, Trojan! I think my favorite part was the fact that there might be a “hooker gene.” I giggled for a while on that one! I must have gotten the super-strength hooker gene! ha ha
I actually starting reading more of her posts and found her fascinating, thanks for posting that!
And there are no hard feelings between Anna and myself. I think that she knew as well as I did that she just wasn't made out for this.

Not everyone is suited for this line of work. We should celebrate the ladies who do it so well. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
^^ I completely agree! I will be needing champagne and/or wine for appointments from now on for my celebrations! ha ha j/k

Sorry about Anna. I agree with everything you said, except the "dork" part. Originally Posted by ROC
^^ Ah, C'est la vie. Thanks, Roc - for everything!
Patiently awaiting the "welcome back Anna" thread. Who retires anymore? Peace!
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Interesting question. To be able explore where you at in your emotional developement, and where u want to be, and to assess the delta and understand the steps to get there, and whether you are capable to get there is called enagage in a maturation process.
Some people can start the process, and then not get there because of their psyche, if they understand and accept the failure, that is personal growth, that will provide learning and understanding of self.
Some who start a process and never get there, and don't undertsand or accept why leads to unrest and other unhealthy emotional and pshychological behaviors.
I have to wear different personnas in different situations, but I cannot allow my personna to engage in behavior against my convictions. I never met her, but anna could be trying to be in area that goes against her personality to the point of failure. If she choose to walk away, hopefully she can be at ease at the effort, and knowing what is a better fit for her.
As client, I do not like having sex with someone I don't like personally. If I do have sex with a provider that I don't like, I will not repeat with that person. I think if a woman has a personality similar to mine, she would have a tough time being a provider.
One thing to alsways remember, it is ok to fail once in a while, as long as there is learning Originally Posted by lostforkate
I like your post
Lexxxy's Avatar
This truly isn't for everyone. If you aren't talkative and comfortable in your own skin it wont work. I have tried some duo partners that just can't do gfe because they don't warm up enough.