I Know Some Guys Love Huge Hips and Ass however, How Much is too Much Watch Clip Below to Explain

Tylus_amore's Avatar
shorty's Avatar
DAMN! That's a lot of ASS!!
Tylus_amore's Avatar
Yep... My thoughts exactly....
Sure is

FYI: Being that big is a health problem. Everyone gets sick. Everyone gets old. Taking care of somebody that big is HELL and there are a some sorry ass healthcare professionals out there.

I've been in the room with a 800 pounder who was slipping off the bed. If she would have slid all the way down the to floor there was going to be no way in hell to get her back onto the bed.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Regardless of what she says and how she feels, her organs have got to be working triple time to keep her alive. I don't see a long life ahead of her.
Those are some amazing birthing hips
It amazes me how people can be so ignorant. She's depleting the Cartledge in her knees, in her hips, feet, and ankles. Pretty soon it will be bone on bone and it will be extremely painful for her to walk. She will need constant assistants. Her heart will become weekend because of all the extra work that it has to perform to keep fresh blood running to all that mass. She is being extremely selfish for her family and the general public. I'm sorry but if she's not independently wealthy, we are paying for her stupidity.

I hope someone who worked for Guinness told her that this award should not be seen as a proud moment her self. She should be ashamed of herself.
Tylus_amore's Avatar
Yea, I would of opted for lipo-suction because every one pound you are over weight it puts about 8 extra pounds of pressure on your knees and joints.

Like salsa man said it is very painful and stressful..... I love having the big boob thing but when they get to the point that it can hurt me physically, As much as i'd hate to, I would chop them down....