My fellow hobbyist are y'all familiar with this? I was having a "there's no such thing as privacy" conversation with a friend. I Googled my real name and Linkedin gave me up. So I googled my varias handles . No problems there because a boomvang is an actually line and pulley system on a sailboat, I did have to change my handle on ASPD long ago, because if you googled it, there were my ASPD post as well as a motorcycle forum with my real information. But when I googled the email address I use for here and P411, I learned I was an escort abuser. No indication of the offense, who or when I offended. But there was my hobby email and my real phone number and two names of men that aren't me. You should visit it and read what it takes to get your name off the list. It's nuts. I am fairly sure I know who and why it was posted. BUT YOU'LL NEVER GET ME TO TELL!! If I am correct it was an alcohol induced malfunction on my part. Mea Culpa. But it was with someone I had never actually met and what it boils down too (I think), I sent some very rude emails via ECCIE or P411 and was a NCNS. I have since PAID restitution to who I think is behind this, and I mean PAID without a session being included. I am a soft hearted, obviously soft headed individual that should stay off the computer and phone after a few cocktails. I have been reformed. If you have ever written a negative review you probably ought to give it a look, I just want to say one last thing "I'M FUCKING SORRY"