Farah Fawcett

oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 06-25-2010, 07:09 PM
Best poster ever. Too bad her death is overshadowed by a talented pervert.
A class lady. And the best poster ever. Obviously, a Texan.
I agree Oden, such a shame.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-25-2010, 09:35 PM
Ok, who bumped a 1 year old thread?

Oh, wait.....
TheWanderer's Avatar
She was the consumate poster girl...had her poster in my bedroom.
Her performance in The Burning Bed cemented her place in Hollywood as a great actress.
Classy lady all around....except for her choice in husbands.

She did everything right except for marrying that F_ckhead...

Ryan O'Neal....LOL

Damn! By today's standards she is almost fully clothed and needs a boob job! How screwed up has Madison Avenue made us?

FYI: This could be a bait & switch. I got 340 hits on tineye on this one.
John Bull's Avatar
Saw an article the other day that said that HWood casting agents are going for all naturals again. Tired of the pneumatic tits, I guess.

One thing I loved about FF was that in the sack, she liked one of my fav things. 'Nuff said.
One thing I loved about FF was that in the sack, she liked one of my fav things. 'Nuff said. Originally Posted by John Bull
Ryan Oneal??? How twisted are you, JB?
pyramider's Avatar
Oddly he has not replied . . .
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Ryan Oneal??? How twisted are you, JB? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Haha! Good one CT. I was going to say Lee Majors...The Six Million Dollar Man. (Or Heath Barkley, for those of us old enough to remember that!) And YES, I had that poster tacked up in my room too.
ANONONE's Avatar
Wow. . .now I am curious what (not who) Farrah liked to do in bed. She has been one of my favorite CILF's since I was a young man.

So was it kinky, JB?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Haha! Good one CT. I was going to say Lee Majors...The Six Million Dollar Man. (Or Heath Barkley, for those of us old enough to remember that!) And YES, I had that poster tacked up in my room too. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Yes, some of us do remember "The Big Valley". I actually have the first two seasons on DVD. But I was always most fond of Jared (the character) although I always thought that he had an almost preternatural affection for his mother, played by Barbara Stanwyck, who had a pretty bad reputation for bedding much younger men.

Gotta love that!

Randall Creed's Avatar
Wow! Ed McMahon was a pervert? Or are you talking about Billy Mays?

Learn something new every day.
AshleyLuv's Avatar
FF was beautiful all n a t u r a l!! I should practice what I preach..considering I recently got a boob job...
  • Bliss
  • 06-26-2010, 11:51 PM
Ya'll have no idea how much time I spent in the bathroom every morning trying to get my hair to look like that. Many came close, but nobody pulled it off quite like farrah. And, not to take away from her other obvious assets....but look at those teeth....perfect. Her smile was killer.