Well, he could do what Bush did and just kill 100,000 Iraqi's and hope he got the right ones. After lying about why he needed to, of course.
In other words, you're an idiot.
Originally Posted by Doove
Or he could do what Roosevelt and Truman did .. kill millions of German's and Japanese hoping to get the right ones ... but wait, didn't our military perform carpet bombing which killed thousands of civilians and didn't we unleash nuclear bombs which also killed thousands of civilians? In case you didn't know this, both Roosevelt and Truman were democrats.
You ultra left wing liberals crack me up. You try to blame Bush for killing civilians but seem to forget the past and want to justify what OBlunder is doing.
In case you also didn't notice, war is hell. There is NO way to target just our enemies. There will always be civilian casualties, especially when our enemies hide among the civilian population.