Outcall Ladies - Rating the Outcall

Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 01-26-2013, 03:06 PM
While I was in the Baltimore area I had several ladies at my place since I was "providing" other services for them.

Though single I'm still concerned that the place is in decent shape for "guests" and when possible I actually do read about their personal likes, etc. and try to accomodate when possible.

Regardless; do any of the ladies wish to share their outcall horror stories? I'm guessing there are certainly places you would never wish to return to whether a private residence or hotel. Consider it as "Tales from the Lint Roller" or "Frebreeze Follies".
Guest092815's Avatar
My worst outcall experiences are:

1. guys with almost or no furniture in their (new-ish) apartment. It is just weird.
2. having to kneel in cracker crumbs or empty peanut shells.
3. dirty sheets
4. a staring cat or dog that won't get off the owner's bed.

Other than that, I miss doing outcalls, as it seems most fellas want to visit me instead.

peace, y'all