The Perfect Ad

Week after week you see the same ole' ads. What would the perfect ad look like to you? Would it be one without all the flowery prose? An ad that seems to speak to just you? Or....something very practical and basic focusing only on menu ( I hate that word btw) rates and availability? What irks YoU tHE mOStest? Any really fun ideas like contests or just something you thought would be cool for a girl to do that you haven't seen?

Just for fun... Anyone willing to write a mock ad? I WoULd Be REally interested to see your highly educated, low volume, 1000+ reviews ad! Please include any classy bathroom pic.s with dirty clothes on the floor!
Or with a surprise in the toilet!
I don't look at ads ! 2 years I have never picked a provider from an ad !
How do you pick your providers? Inquiring minds want to know?

Luz- there are some infamous pic.s floating around like that!
fun2come's Avatar
hmmm, what would speak to me:
Fun Come 2 me it's free .... (darn, picked the wrong name)....

OK,OK just saw your latest post... I do a lot of research, mainly in reviews, so while I look at Ads it's just to see if the lady I have already on my wish list might be in the mood for something special.
Showcases , word of mouth , and reviews ! And I've seen some really good ones ! Actually started a thread when I started asking for high quality providers got lots of suggestions . Even from you !
I think most of the people looking at ads are just looking for shit to jerk off to. Not that there is a problem with that but just because the ad gets hits doesn't mean anyone is calling. I got a shit ton of hits on my Vegas post but surprisingly few calls. But, I bet a lot of dudes were totally jerking off to this:

Rick doesn't look at ads because he jerks off while looking in the mirror!!! LOL
knotty man's Avatar
whats wrong with jerkin off with a mirror?
its the only way i can find my dick!!!
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful !
fun2come's Avatar
I think most of the people looking at ads are just looking for shit to jerk off to. Originally Posted by LuzMarie
yeah right, I recently had to send my laptop back and got a call from repair service inquiring why the keyboard was so sticky .....

Back to the original question:

Just me, I like to see: Be original, mix the ads up, have some recent pics, and if you have a Brand Image, by all means stick to it but expand at the same time.
yeah right, I recently had to send my laptop back and got a call from repair service inquiring why the keyboard was so sticky Originally Posted by fun2come

"Sorry dude, I'm a squirter!"

Can you elaborate on elaborating a brand image, F2C?!
HMMM my add:
Tall Blue Eyed Romantic seeks you.
Now available. A man who loves women. A man who understands that foreplay begins before the wine is open. A man who knows that the softest touch is often the quickest way to racing hearts and trembling legs.....

Menu: I have a warm accepting smile, and a playful personality. You will not feel alone in wanting...anything....everythi will only feel acceptance and reassurance that you will be taken care of... that my arms will be open to you after any intense experience... whatever that may be...

I have to alert you: I will look at you like it is my first time, with awe and wonder and with a feeling that I have been given a gift, a gift I don't deserve..... It happens every's a little sorry in advance.

Fees: I will want a warm human memory: the memory of a single touch, or a light kiss of the neck, or the smell of perfumed hair, or best of all -- the sparkle in your eyes before our first kiss. Something so real that it can never be taken away from me... something a lonely dying man would trade his fortune for...

Newbies welcome
Specials during the week.
fun2come's Avatar
Brand Image:
The impression in the hobbyist's mind of a provider's total personality (real and imaginary qualities and hopefully negligible shortcomings).

A Brand Image is developed over time through advertising campaigns and posts with a consistent theme, and is authenticated through the hobbyist's direct experience.

Luz is a great example: "The Clit" and yet she offers and "plays" with so many more themes and things. But it always comes back to or is centered around "The Clit".

Just Jane won me with her "Oral Therapist" theme ...

Just to name a couple examples, there are several out here.

Now obviously there is no guarantee that it will get you more hobbyists but at least you are not boring !!!
But it always comes back to or is centered around
"The Clit". Originally Posted by fun2come
Watch out or your gonna give it a big head! Lol

And Aye- wow you sound more GFE than I do!