60 Minutes Steve Kroft Admits to Softballing President Obama

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What happened to the good old days of 60 Minutes? It used to be having Mike Wallace or Morley Safer show up was a politician's worst nightmare. Now they are simply shills for the Democrats. Journalism? Not in my book.

Here's the article:

PIERS MORGAN: Let me ask you at the top, why do you think he keeps coming to you? Because there’s two schools of thought. One, is that you're the most brilliant, penetrating interviewer on American television. And the other one is that you give him a soft time. Neither of which I suspect is entirely the true picture.

STEVE KROFT, "60 MINUTES" CORRESPONDENT: No, I think that first of all, I think he likes "60 Minutes." It’s, you know, we have a huge audience. We have a format that suits him, it's long. We can do 12 minutes or 24 minutes. We do, you know, we do a good job of editing. And I’ve been doing these interviews with him since a few weeks before he declared his candidacy. So I covered him during the campaign and have kept doing it in the White House.

But I think it's a question of fairness. We have not -- I think he knows that we're not going to play gotcha with him, that we're not going to go out of our way to make him look bad or stupid and we'll let him answer the questions. (Piers Morgan Tonight, January 28, 2013)

In other words, the President knows where to go to get safe questions and velvet glove treatment. 60 Minutes. My, how you have fallen!

joe bloe's Avatar
I haven't watched Sixty Minutes in years. It's just leftist trash. Just compare the puff piece they did on Obama with the manufactured hit piece Dan Rather did on George W Bush. There couldn't be a greater disparity.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Watching that is just another wasted hour.
Right wingers backing Piers Morgan ...love it.