May have posted in the wrong place..forgive me
I don't know if I should be making a announcement or not but I'm scared.
Fox News and SAPD thinks its news to bust people. This has been the Main topic for the past weeks. I'm Definatly going to erase my showcase and change my name. I don't wanna say when in case I'm being watched but I'm spooked. Of course I only see people I screen, and I've long stop using BP. But who knows WHAT THOSE ASSHOLE are doing! Ugh I'm so mad. On the topic for tonight they bust A TEACHER!! ( that's how they are saying it with much emphasis on the teacher)
Is that FUKN news tho?
It's embarrassing and I feel bad for those guys who are innocent guys just trying to get laid. So he's not qualified to teach because he likes sex.
I just won't get caught like that. I'm SCREENING EVERYONE !! I made a recent post about seeing newbies....hmmmm i don't know my screening works pretty good but..I don't know...