You Tea Nuts are slipping. Zimmerman needs 30k a month, donate donate donate!

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  • WTF
  • 01-30-2013, 07:56 PM

Put your money where your racist mouths are! LOL....sorry the racist part was uncalled for but I just couldn't help myself!
Zimmerman was (and still may be) a registered Democrat. Do I need to bump my Democrat killing Democrats thread that's over 30 days old?
It has always been a warning to any citizen who is a Concealed Carry holder that if you ever have to use your weapon, and somone dies, it will be considered a $250,000 shot.

Because whether right or wrong, it will end up costing you that in legal fees before the case is finally brought to a finality.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, Zimmerman is a hispanic democrat.

Okay, you Obamatons line up! Zimmernan needs $30K a month. Get into your pockets WTF and give till it hurts. We have to save this liberal, hispanic man who voted for Barack Obama.

There you go WTF, I fixed it for you.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-30-2013, 10:43 PM
Democrats weren't the one's defending ole wacked out Tea Nuts were!

Kinda like Chick Fil the owner is buddy buddy with the gays!

You dumb shits are on the wrong side of ever issue.

Remember to keep the government outta your Medicare!

The Sara Palin crowd! "Pubic" Option!
Your hatred for what you think the TEA Party is has far out-consumed your intelligence. Its Ekim008 laughable.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-30-2013, 11:04 PM
I love you wacko''re funnier than Benny Hill!

If Zimmerman knew how to fight he wouldn't be in this mess. Screw him, theres better things to worry about.
joe bloe's Avatar
If Zimmerman knew how to fight he wouldn't be in this mess. Screw him, theres better things to worry about. Originally Posted by acp5762
Zimmerman won the fight.
Zimmerman won the fight. Originally Posted by joe bloe
yeah but he had to kill the kid and go through a bunch a shit..
joe bloe's Avatar
yeah but he had to kill the kid and go through a bunch a shit.. Originally Posted by acp5762
I'm sure Zimmerman's life has been a living Hell since the killing. I'm convinced he killed Trayvon in self defense. I don't see killing someone to protect yourself from being beaten to death as a tragedy, more of a public service.
I'm sure Zimmerman's life has been a living Hell since the killing. I'm convinced he killed Trayvon in self defense. I don't see killing someone to protect yourself from being beaten to death as a tragedy, more of a public service. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Well he certainly strengthens the arguements against gun control. If he wasn't armed he would probabley be dead or a parapalegic.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If you have a CHL and do not have legal insurance you are a fool.
Defending yourself is an expensive proposition.
Your hatred for what you think the TEA Party is has far out-consumed your intelligence. Its Ekim008 laughable. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Who is Ekim008 you little dick gobbler?
If Zimmerman knew how to fight he wouldn't be in this mess. Screw him, theres better things to worry about. Originally Posted by acp5762

If he had stayed in the car waited on the cops both would be alive.