I F&*^ing hate snow

livn2do's Avatar
So instead of plowing, shoveling or hiring the local neighborhood punk to clear all of this white shit from my driveway for me I've decided to stay in and enjoy some:

Screwdrivers and strong coffee, milf porn, the new Zeppelin Celebration Day disc and the awesome mind fuck of trying to write something, anything worth reading. Plus 4 Advil and dreams of painting her toenails all makes for an interesting night. Where is my muse when I need her?
DallasRain's Avatar
livn2do's Avatar
Originally Posted by DallasRain
Works every time.
So instead of plowing, shoveling or hiring the local neighborhood punk to clear all of this white shit from my driveway for me I've decided to stay in and enjoy some:

Screwdrivers and strong coffee, milf porn, the new Zeppelin Celebration Day disc and the awesome mind fuck of trying to write something, anything worth reading. Plus 4 Advil and dreams of painting her toenails all makes for an interesting night. Where is my muse when I need her? Originally Posted by livn2do
Celebration Day, good one. I got that for Christmas. Had my CD player on random mixing that up with some Rush and Metallica. I gotta say it was a good day.
I've found I am totally sick of Iowa winters the last 3 or 4 years. As soon as the SO retires we are going to be residents of SW Texas. No snow, little rain, no state income tax and warm, brown little Mexican providers.