CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ha! All you who think I'm a Chicken Little when I'm not, here is even MORE PROOF that the sky REALLY IS falling!

Here's proof:

On February 15 a chunk of rock about 50 meters wide will whiz by Earth at nearly 8 km/s, coming within 27,680 km of our planet’s surface — closer than many weather and communications satellites.

For those of you more comfortable with imperial units, that’s 165 feet wide traveling 17,800 mph coming within 17,200 miles. But regardless whether you prefer meters or miles, in astronomy that’s what’s called a close call.

Scientists stress that there’s no danger of an impact by this incoming asteroid, designated 2012-DA14, but it’s yet another reminder that in our neck of the Solar System we are definitely not alone.

Read more and see photos at:

Last time....T-Rex.
Next time......??????,,

At least if we get slammed. .... We won't have to worry about politics any longer.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Colonize Mars!

Then in a hundred years, the Colonists will come back to Earth on a quest for VENGEANCE!