Lets have fun!!!

Guest121917-1's Avatar
Anyone interested in a get together next Friday Evening? I can pick a place once I get an idea of the crowd. If you dont want to respond to this thread then feel free to email me. Please no PMs....my inbox is almost full...I need to clean it up a little, haha.

I want this to work out.

Guys and Gals you are welcome. I was thinking dinner (we would have to behave at dinner) and then somewhere fun afterwards!!!

I need to have a final head count by Tuesday (Feb 5) so I can make reservations for dinner.......
MARTlAN's Avatar
you know Im there
buffhunter's Avatar
That sounds like fun!
CK13's Avatar
  • CK13
  • 01-31-2013, 02:36 PM
I might come once I know where it's going to take place. It'd be nice to get out and meet new people.
Guest121917-1's Avatar
well it will be at a resturant where they have a very private back room to where no one can see us from the main section....and the fun afterwards of course will be at a local SC where we can let the tension go from dinner and have free for all conversation....I will not post publicly where it is going to be held...if you are interested please email me and I will respond with detail.

I am wanting to organize these things every two weeks so if you want on the list.......come on. Once there is a good party list I will no longer be posting about them in the Co-ed section.
Too bad, I won't be here next Friday...
Little Monster's Avatar
I'm down
I will be out of town and I was looking forward to getting my hands on Daddys Girl
knotty man's Avatar
id love to. but unfortunately i havent ever figured out how to email from this site (im a dork)
Not a topic for Coed. Moved to proper Forum.

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Before I decide yes or no on attending can just anyone come or is there screening involved?
Guest121917-1's Avatar
Anyone can attend but they must be verified before going. I want everyone to have a nice time and then get a little wild afterwards, lol.

I Would Love To Come,

BUT I Will Be In Miami!!!

Think Of Me Next Time!!!!!

Klepton's Avatar
I'd be interested in attending.
I will come if I know where it is at. I think that would be super fun!!!