Indie vs Agency:

To Indie or not to Indie, that is the question.

Hey everybody, somewhat newbie here so I'm throwing this question out here maybe get some feedback from both sides of the fence. Hopefully I'm not stepping on anyone's toes.
RichardNixon's Avatar
I prefer to keep things as simple as possible. The fewer people involved, the simpler it is. In the hobby, the more people involved, the more risks. Definitely Indy. I won't use an agency.
Yeah, I guess Watergate taught you a thing or two about keeping things secure and not letting them leak out. Keep on Mr Prez. I like your style here.

Anyway, I have used both Indy and agency. There is only one agency that let me down, but the other seven I have used over the past two years have been professional (well if Annie wasn't drunk) and helpful, with consistently good looking and talented providers. Their rates will vary depending on the agency, as will the caliber of the ladies. I can recommend several if you want more info. The downside of the agency in my opinion is not security or efficiency of the staff, but rather that you cannot contact the provider directly, to talk and make plans about the encounter. You also may not be able to schedule with them as easily, as Nola only has one agency I can recommend (if Annie is not drunk). All the other agencies are outside the area and I am only able to see who is scheduled to visit. That includes the Elves, who are only an hour away. Wish they would visit more often, as I do other agency providers. So as you can see, I find nothing really wrong with agencies. As for indy, most of the providers I have met fit this model. You can contact them and make plans. There have been good ones, great ones, mind blowing ones and less inspirational ones, all according to the talents and ability to synch with me on a physical and emotional level (that actually goes of both agency and indy alike).

I think it really comes down to what are you interested in, doing the research that suggests the provider can accomodate what you want, and then putting you best foot (or in my case 10 inches...not) forward.
I generally only use Indy ladies, but I also think that is a byproduct of this research. I enjoy it more when I can do research and understand the personality and services better. Agency's seem to have ladies that come and go. (There might be others, but Ella is the only one I know of that has hung around an agency for any period of time.) Consistency in service is what I am looking for. Its tough to understand what each lady does and doesn't provide when they are only around for a short period of time. That's me though.

That being said, I have used a few agency ladies and mostly been pleased. I have had only two negative experiences. Thats about the same percentage of bad experiences I have had with Indy ladies.

Here is what I would suggest. Find what you are looking for and go for it! Honestly what difference does it make? There are plenty of great reviews of Indy and Agency ladies.
kiki2012's Avatar
im still pretty new but i have been an indy; independent,lol and to me its alot better cause im my own boss.not sum agency tellin me what to do .i never worked for one so i cant say all what is bad ,but what people tell so all i gota say yay independants!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arverni's Avatar
Stick has it right here. Nothing against agencies at all ... but who can name a long time agency escort? I can't. For instance, I know Epiphany and Baylee used to work for Annie, but they're now independent. It just seems that there is a high rate of mobility in the agency gals - who either turn indie eventually or go away entirely.

It's hard to know much about agency girls because they don't usually post on ECCIE - though their managers do occasionally. So there's another complication.

Nothing against agency girls at all - some girls don't want the hassle of all the peripheral things required to run a business so the agency route is very convenient for them.

I think most of us gravitate toward the indie girls quite by accident because they are usually active on the boards and we can get a feel for their personalities based on their posts. Plus - they advertise here frequently.
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 01-31-2013, 08:03 PM
So you're browsing through ads and see the one or two girls that's not b&s. You're saying to yourself, now why was I thinking of buying that new TV anyway? Your first action is to get the number and in as fast as you can. Do you really give a fuck if the girl is an indie or agency girl?
Really though I've had good and bad experiences on both sides. I think more agency girls don't enjoy it bc of the big cut they get taken from them. You hear that guys like the indies bc they can talk directly to them, which is great, but that means they'll also text or call you to let you know that they're back in town or got a room. I don't have anything against that, but once in a 2 day period I had 3 indies do that. It was tough to make a decision about which one I wanted to see.
If I had to choose a preference it's indie.
pyramider's Avatar
I download porn.
A lot of real good info coming out here, I sure appreciate it. Everyone that commented made points that I could relate to on both directions. I do like that aspect of connecting on an emotional level, but I've always been afraid to make the faux pas of asking a inappropriate question that I didn't realize was or where even the border of "getting to know your provider" and personal space. Like getting stuck in a rut of rhetorical questions.
I am attracted to the Indy aspect for same reasons mentioned earlier but also the notion of dealing with a agency would bring with the agency's reputation, like a quality control stamp, that come with it. Just trying to avoid the drama, even though I'd still do my homework and R&D. Is that notion on par?