
Jay Walker's Avatar
'Catfishing:' The phenomenon of Internet scammers who fabricate online identities and entire social circles to trick people into romantic relationships

For the first time ever, I've had a run of bad luck lately in my perpetual search for excellent sex.

I've been very fortunate for the most part when meeting women online for sexual relations. I have been a little misled a few times but never all out catfished.

I met a chick on Craigslist early this week who lives almost two hours from me. She looked very attractive in the face photos that she sent, and claimed to be 5'0, 100 lbs. Following are some things I noted from extensive email correspondence over a few days time:

- she is VERY well written and articulate.
- she has been out of work for a while.
- she is living with a girlfriend.
- her car is dead
- her phone has been shut off because she hasn't been able to pay the bill.
- she is able to text and email through a free smartphone app when she has wifi, which she does not have at home.
- she seemed almost too easy to hook and encouraged me to come see her.
- she indicated that I would need to pay for a room because of roommate.
- no money exchange was ever offered or requested.

With my recent string of bad luck, I was very hesitant to drive two hour in fear of being misled or worse. I suppose, I can't control my insatiable curiousity. I went but figured for sure I was being catfished.

I'd love to hear others catfishing stories.
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
Well was she what you thought or were you "catfished"?
I have said it before and I will say it again, HOT CHICKS DO NOT NEED THE INTERNET TO GET LAID!!!!!!!!!!!! now unless they are bi-polar nut jobs then yes that is possible...
Jay Walker's Avatar
Oh, I neglected to mention that I wasn't catfished this time. This little lady was prettier than her pictures suggested . She actually was 5 foot zero and 100 pounds. Sexually, I haven't experienced anything close in years. This was, perhaps, the best 6 hours of uninhibited sex I've ever experienced in my life.

I didn't get catfished this time but I suspect it's going to happen, and I'd still love to hear others experiences.
Pertinacious Jay.

Keep notes and journal this is best seller novel material.

Damn I need glasses , thought this was c•tfist•ng !
Jay Walker's Avatar
Pertinacious Jay.

Keep notes and journal this is best seller novel material.

19Trees Originally Posted by 19Trees
Of that word, T.S. Eliot said, "a mind not gifted enough to discover the truth, but tenacious enough to hold it."

Perhaps I resemble that remark Trees.