So one of my favorite clients has been telling me that I look like his dear mother. When we first met it was mentioned that we were of similar measurements...then the resemblance was mentioned.
I was over at his place on Monday and happened upon a picture of his mother when she was my age. I had to do a double take - she really does look like me. Last night I was able to get an even better look and oh boy!
First off, boy talk about a MILF! Man oh man is that lady a looker and incredibly HOT if I may so so myself. Too bad I wasn't 40 years older...or a Lesbian that a bit creepy or completely endearing? How many of the men would spend time with a lady that looks a lot like their mother?
To add to the equation - he's even told me I remind him a lot of his mother. I'm always bitching at him about not wearing an undershirt when it's cold out or reminding him that at his age, he ought to settle down.*
In the words of Norman Bates....