Do not write bad reviews about elves

al504's Avatar
  • al504
  • 02-04-2013, 09:19 AM
Recently I wrote a bad review of Ella and got this nasty pm from Santa. So be nice to Elves.

Staff Edit - Al, you are not allowed to post the contents of a PM.

#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.
Well isn't that some chicken shit!!!! Too many toys on the playground to play with Al. I wouldn't worry about that.
Moving this to CO-ED since that forum is intended to warn others of issues that could endanger members of the community.
Rhinoforce's Avatar
I saw the PM prior to deletion. Guess I won't be applying for my Elf Card after all. Thanks.
Al knows damn well it has nothing to do with a recent review, he was warned 2yrs ago about telling Elves at appointment time that he is special and gets to pay less than the advertized rate and he continued to do it. This is a huge problem when he does it with a new Elf because they begin to wonder how many other clients get it on the cheap. That is theft as far as Santa is concerned and It will not be tolerated. As well as scaring the hell out of new Elves with his rediculous stories and whiteknighting. He took advantage of new and gullable Elves and of this firm being handled by Elves and he has cost the rest of you the enjoyment of many new Elves, many have commented on our recent turn over numbers, It is due to BS like this guy.. Now this firm is being handled by Santa and he cant pull his bs anymore. This stands for any and all who would do anything improper with the Elves, Santa will not tolerate it. We have had bad reviews before by clients who are still our clients today, Everyone knows we always respect honest reviews as it helps us know where to improve, Santa has fired many elves from your honest reviews and you all are aware of this, not to mention Ella is out of this business so why would Santa care, obviously Al is simply looking to hide his actions. We tried to keep this civil and private, he chose to put it here, thats his perogative. His belief that Santa will come here and violate forum rules and be banned as in the past just bit him in the ass, as it just is not going to happen.

He is no longer welcome as a client and was informed as such because of calling Elves numerous times YESTERDAY when he belived Ella wasnt around to let the new elves know he is blacklisted. The email was to inform him there are no endruns around our blacklist so he wouldnt be wasting our time or his. Al504 needs to put his bigboy panties on and accept the fact that his business is no longer needed at this firm. Take the rubber gloves elsewhere.
Let this be a lesson to all, If you have an issue with the Elves, you dont get to shit talk, rip us off, and insult us, and then come and enjoy our treats. Santa IS watching.. Al504 didnt get away with it and is upset and makes this childish posting.. If that is a problem for anyone, then luckily we wont have to concern ourselves with your business, will we? I for one am greatful for this thread as it gives us a chance to make our zero tollerance rules known, so ty for that Al. It isnt complicated, you call, you visit, you, pay, you enjoy and you repeat. If that is not what you are calling us, dont call.
CaptainQ's Avatar
I for one was happy with my only Elf I saw a while back, looking forward to meeting others in time. I never place too much weight into any good/bad review or a "warning" post. Just like a pancake, there are always two sides (anybody knows where that came from?). Not saying anyone is wrong or right... just sayin
Brmike1963's Avatar
As soon as I'm back in town I plan on doing improper things with an elf!
ilovedatass's Avatar
Idk..... what I do know is that my knees are still shaking
^^^^^^^ thats some funny shit right there!
Please attempt to get back on topic.
Please attempt to get back on topic. Originally Posted by Stick1969
Slick, You were privy to the original PRIVATE MESSAGE sent to the OP In all seriousness, this post is for lack of a better word, horseshit and unless the OP can show where anyone at this firm ever blacklisted this guy for a review, while I commend the admins for their edit to the OP, and their obvious watchful eye on this thread, the admin should close or remove it as personal vendetta bullshit and enforce forum rules. If you allow anyone to just post unsubstantiated lies about anyone they wish, then please put that in the forum guidelines for the rest of us so that we may all enjoy playing Pinocchio with other peoples business.

I think I speak for everyone when we say the freedom to post anything without consequences is something this boards admins should not welcome so easily. In the past this board has enforced the rule against this shit even to the degree of absurdity when it comes to Santa and The Elves. So we would like to see some equal rights around here is all we are asking please.
Not sure who slick is, but I assume you were talking to me.

I see no violations as we stand right now. As a course of policy, we try not to close too many threads unless the childishness becomes unbearable.

As far as the rest of the dribble you posted - send me a PM if you have issues.

You have had your say. Let it go. There will not be another warning.