I was with a lady a few weeks a go and the protection broke on the vinegar stroke. To cut a long story short the lady claims to be now pregnant and swears I'm the daddy.
I really don't want to go on national TV by the new Jerry Springer or Jeramy Kyle in 20 years time outted by former hooker as the daddy of her child. Nor do I want to really go through airing this in public too much (Obviously) at this time. I think my SO might get a bit p'ed off!
Should just tell her to p@ss off -'it's your problem this is part of your job risk...' sort of thing and no Im not going to give me load of cash to leave me alone.
Or give her 500 bucks (or what ever it is) to get a termination
She is not threading to turn up to my employer or come seek me out or turn up to my house with all her posse to kick the crap out of me either (yet) but I think she may know some not very nice people!
Be interested to hear the opinion of our lady friends out there