Looking for good surgeon any help please

So I am looking for a fair priced good surgeon in austin for some work and one have any knowledge of one it would be much appreciated seen some I don't really like so far. Thanks ya'll
Guest092815's Avatar
I highly recommend dr. Robert Clement, if it is plastic/reconstructive surgery. His attitude is fantastic. I had major surgery with him over ten years ago, and he is skilled and experienced. And best of all, he once told me when I came in for a recheck, "don't be silly, hey, I work for you" I was able to get my procedure covered by insurance back then (when we still had hmo's) and he is a very good physician.

Best wishes to you,
Thank you
I recommend you look in San Antonio or Houston where there are medical centers because the surgeons in Austin can be really horrible because of the lack of peer review here.

In 2006 I had a small freckle which tested positive for melanoma. I interviewed six Austin surgeons and all of them wanted to enter me into a hospital and perform extensive, expensive surgery.

In frustration I went back to New York University Medical School, where I happened to know one of the tenured skin surgeons who was a professor and used to be the President of the American Society of skin surgeons.

That Doctor had me lie down on a table in the office and removed the freckle in about twenty minutes. I was stitched up with about a 17mm incison under my eye which when it healed WAS COMPLETELY INVISIBLE. Because that MD is among the most celebrated in New York that person charged me the high fee of $1,000. But what the Austin docs wanted to do would have cost around $40,000 including all the reconstruction they envisioned in their greedy, money-grubbing minds.

All the extensive surgery recommends from the greedy and inept Austin backwater private-practice businessmen first-doctor second Medical Doctors in Austin was....


The standards of medical practice for critical matters such as surgery, even if minor,in a place like Austin can be terrible.

I haven't had any other important medical issues since then but if I did I'd at least go to San Antonio, where the docs there trained in teaching hospitals and medical centers where there is peer review and there's some higher standards.
Guest092815's Avatar
There is some truth to what you are saying, TAE, no doubt.
But she asked for specific dr referral, and I do know a very good one, and his fee was very inexpensive, and no more than the physicians in houston or s.a.

If you want to have surgery in Houston and get a bargain, I can recommend Dr. Daniel Casso, who uses the outpatient day surgery in Clear Lake. He did my sister's MM's and my mother's too. (I don't have them myself; I had a different procedure). I think on Mondays, the surgery suite offers huge discount on the facility fees.

Anyway, I wish you the very best of luck.

Remember to ask the dr how many times he has performed the procedure. Is he board certified? and, how often does he do the exact procedure?

Surgery can be a lot more to go through than some people know, so take your time and do what is right for you.
If you're simply looking for a surgeon to do cosmetic work then I recommend Dr. Landeen in San Antonio, as he's done "below the muscle MM implants" on girls I work with who are models. His implants are indistinguishable from natural breasts.

If you go with just anyone on MMs you'll 90 % of the time get an outcome that's just horrible, with scars and hard-looking implants which are un-natural.

Dr.s like Landeen have histories of working on MODELS.
Woah, what a dick!!!

Is that natural or do you have a referral for that too?
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Woah, what a dick!!!

Is that natural or do you have a referral for that too? Originally Posted by Kitty D'Luxe
LMAO sister! You're sayin' what I was thinkin'! Good for you.

Austin is the 17th largest city in the U.S.A., larger than San Fran, though it doesn't have nearly as large a metro area of course. That said, there are plenty of great docs in town in many many specialties so, just like any large city, it is possible to get great docs and lousy ones. It is true that Austin doesn't have a med school (not for long) so Houston, S.A and even Galveston have that going for them, but that does not guarantee a good or a bad doc. Like here, you have to do your research.
KRISPY's Avatar
I dont think there is much a surgeon can do to increase your call volume
Uh uh!
Guest092815's Avatar
Oh yes, I should have stated that the drs I referred to, use the under muscle position or underarm and under pectoral muscle placement for breast implants. If I were not 100% certain of their techniques and outcomes, I would not have referred their names out. Both drs. Clement and Casso, I have known and have been a family friend for 16 yrs. I am sure there are other good physicians, I just happen to know that these two are very good and reasonably priced.

Best wishes to the OP. Whatever you decide, lady.
Guest092815's Avatar
If you're simply looking for a surgeon to do cosmetic work then I recommend Dr. Landeen in San Antonio, as he's done "below the muscle MM implants" on girls I work with who are models. His implants are indistinguishable from natural breasts.

If you go with just anyone on MMs you'll 90 % of the time get an outcome that's just horrible, with scars and hard-looking implants which are un-natural.

Dr.s like Landeen have histories of working on MODELS. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
TAE: Why does your tone seem hostile? The OP just asked for doctor recommendations, not opinions on what procedure to have done.

And, how many "models" have you seen with rock-hard (encapsulated) breasts? so what about "models"

Dear lady, do what is best for YOU, not what someone else thinks is a good idea.

Thank you sweetie I am appreciate it and I do have an appt with one of the docs you recommmended here in austin, as for call volume, I get mine and I have been wanting bigger boobie since I was younger lol I miss perportioned and have a bubble butt but little tatas, so its for me my self and I. Just FYI. And again thank you Crystalkitty.
Shayla, yours are perfect as they are. Nothing like naturals, but of course it's your decision and just my opinion.
hey momma i kno u said for out here in austin but i got my breast done n tummy tuck done in southern california san diego well really la jolla but Dr.T IS AMAZING AND REALLY CHEAP I ONLY PAID 3500 FOR MY BREAST N 4500 FOR MY TUMMYTUCK
Thats what I am wanting is breast and tummy tuck which I have had kids and well lost a bunch of weight and just need to get it offffffff lol I found somewhere here in austin for a tummy tuck it was like 1500 which to me wasnt bad at all, but I just want one cup bigger and lifted lol my ass weighs more so when I fall I fall backwards lol I would like to walk steady lol jk but yes and thank you icuminpeace, you made me smile appreciate it